City - Ochikawa State - TOKYO, HINO CITY Country - Japan
I was first fascinated by how a single tree could have two different coloured berries at the same time. Answer, it can't. It's TWO little trees, closely intertwined. I liked them SO much that I went back the next day and BOUGHT it. My very first purchase of a plant to tend myself!! I hope I can keep it well and strong... And only (as you can see) 1,100 yen. Ten US dollars!
Matej, the Bessaflex is an SLR, not a rangefinder. It uses M42 lenses. To answer your question, though, rangefinders are not completely reliable for framing and generally only allow you to get one metre away from the subject. The bright lines give you a margin of error--you get a little more all round than appears in the finder.
Nice! Could have used a little bit more space at the bottom to get the pot "leg" fully inside the frame. How precise are rangefinders from small distances - does the viewfinder allow for exact composition?