Photograph By Hakan AKIRMAK
Hakan A.
Photograph By sreeradha  seth
sreeradha  s.
Photograph By Adam Orzechowski
Adam O.
Photograph By Andre Denis
Andre D.
Photograph By al shaikh
al s.
Photograph By Sta Lip
Sta L.
Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
Photograph By Salvador Marķa Lozada
Salvador Marķa L.
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imageopolis Photo Categories


Your primary purpose of the subject is to show the interrelation of graphical elements or textures.

Alternative Process

All types of Alternative Processes welcome here. Platinum, Palladium, Cyanotype, Tintype, etc. Note: this is not a digital category


Photographs showing the uniqueness of manmade objects, such as bridges, buildings and staircases.

At Work

Photographs of people at work.


Photographs taken when the subject wasn't lookin.


Pictures of Children from all over the world.


Photographs where the primary subject is a skyline, city street or other urban places.


Photographs where the primary intent while protographing the subject is for commercial use.

Deep Blue

Photographs relating to the Oceans, sea life, and all things marine.


Images primarily about or overwhelmingly showing characteristics added digitally, such as digital compositions.


Photographs primarily displaying mood through clothes and lighting. If in doubt, please use the portrait or people categories.


Pictures of Flowers of All Varieties (color and black and white)

From The Field

Protographs of or by our members while on the job, either of themselves or depicting them at work or their work environment.

HDR Images

In computer graphics and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of exposures (the range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.


Photographs of ancient relics and older items and locations. This can include buildings, artifacts and other subjects of historical importance.


Photographs with the intent of evoking comical response.


Color and monochrome infrared images.


Photographs primarily intended for publication in a newspaper or magazine, or intended to depit a direct presentation of facts without an attempt at interpretation.


Photographs primarily illustrating the land, water or sky. Note that this may have Nature subjects included in your image, but the main purpose is to show the visual combination of all of these elements. Any images, where the subject is the moon or stars should also be included in this category.


Close-up photographs showing the subject at 1:2 or greater magnification.


Minimalistic images. The key is simplicity and elegance


Photographs where the primary subject is a naturally developing object, such as a flower, tree or leaf. If the scene is designed to illustrate a variety of nature elements, then consider Landscape. Images of birds and animals should be placed in the Wildlife category.


Please review all other categories before posting to Other. If your subject clearly does NOT fit elsewhere, consider this category.


Photographs taken in either the horizontal or vertical format where the ratio of the height to width is 2:1 or 1:2

Note: The panoramic display feature is a donor only function. Anyone may upload panoramic images however to be viewed in full panoramic mode you muse be a current Usefim donor.


Photographs where the primary subject is a person or group ofpeople, but is specifically shot to display the mood of the scene.


Photographs where the primary subject is to show the personality of a pet.


Photographs having unusual alternative imaging techniques, such as SX-70, image transfer, emulsion transfer.


Photographs where the primary subject is an individual or group, but is shot specifically to display the personality of the subject.


Photographs from the scientific community. There is lots of beauty in the world of science and you can see it here.


Photographs taken on, in, around and below the ocean. Just like landscapes but with lots of water.
Go through your old images and see about moving a few to this category.


Photographs of sporting events, such as football, soccer, hockey, rugby, racing of all kinds, etc.


Photographs of dance, acting, and other live performances.

Still Life

Photographs where the primary subject is inanimate, carefully placed to form a unique composition. This category may also include machinery, statues and artwork.


Street photography from all over the world.

Studio Photography

This category is for images taken in the studio under controlled lighting conditions. Images in this category may be product images, portraits, florals pretty much anything as long as it is photographed in the photo studio and is something that has been planned out, set up and shows care in it's production. This is not a category for candids, snapshots or images taken outdoors under natural lighting.


Planes, trains, boats and automobiles... and any other transportation method you can think of...such as wagons, hot air balloons or even blimps!


Photographs in which the purpose of chosing the primary subject of your image was designed to illustrate the uniqueness of the locale.


Photos taken under water. Either SCUBA diving, snorkeling or free diving. Also included would be photos taken from submersibles. Have fun with this new category.


Photographs from wedding ceremonies and receptions


Photographs where the primary subject is an animal, such as a butterfly, bird, moose or tiger.

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