Photographer: Susie OConnor (Karma=34798)
Bellingham, WA USA
About: I've been taking photographs since December of 2004. That's when I purchased my first good camera...a Canon Digital Rebel.
I joined UseFilm in March of 2005 thanks to my friend Sarah...she introduced me to the site! Rubbing shoulders with all of you has been a tremendous learning experience.
I feel that photography is an art form...the first part taking the shot and the second part working with it in PS. Both the camera and the software are just tools to creating the final product.
I mostly enjoy taking pics of kids and family members...trying to capture that "moment" in time that shows the true personality of that person. Candids are what I truly love. I also enjoy photographing flowers and nature scenery.
I'm overwhelmed with the people I've met from all over the world on this site. New friends with a common interest!
Please let me know how I can improve my photos...I love all the tips you can give me! And when you have time check out my sister's site too (Kathy Hillard) she has some great stuff.
Thanks for taking the time to look!
Proverbs 3:5-6
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