Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/18/2004
Hi Konstantin, Yes the sharpening is a pain in the ASS as my camera will not take photos in focus...i have read that it is a problem with this particular camera,(nikon coolpix 4500) All the other coolpix cameras i have bought in the past worked just great. GRRRRRR....well i'm going to get the next one in line i think, a D70 maybe. Hey i would love to have the software!! I'll look up "FixerLab" thanks ! Cheers, Tim
Konstantin Yudintsev
{K:3253} 7/18/2004
Hi, Tim! That's grand! However, I'd use some tricks in Photoshop besides advanced highlights and shadows I might be seeing here. I have some plugin filters you'd love to use. Do you know of FixerLab color noise killer? Very handy!
Also, your pic looks a bit oversharpened. It's great nonetheless.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/14/2004
yes Rebecca, that is the main reason I take photos. Once I have a photo that I like I leave the image on the monitor that is positioned right next to a huge easel. From there I just observe and paint very similar to being outside but in a more controlled environment. This way I can paint very large canvases going up to 60" x 96" at the maximum but usually the average size is 48"x48". I have Galleries across Canada and one in the USA. You can see some of my paintings on my web site if it interests you. www.timschumm.com Kind regards, tim schumm
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 7/14/2004
You are a master at landscape photography. Great work and portfolio.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 7/14/2004
Simply beautiful composition. Do you paint from the pictures you take such as this one? This would make one heck of a painting!
Ian Sharp
{K:1762} 7/14/2004
The composition of this shot is wonderful,keep up the good work.
Ian (Australia)
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 7/14/2004
I'm glad you like it Lukasz ..... i think i need to put the 2 images together for the best of both worlds....ahhhh the wonders of PS.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/13/2004
this one is even beter than previous stone image; really good, I like it
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 7/13/2004
Very nice, I love that with this perspective it seems as though you have miles to go to get to the water. great clouds and overall feel. Alison
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 7/13/2004
Tim, beautiful landscape Nice compositie Teunis
Roberto Lucignani
{K:840} 7/13/2004
Excellent composition and DOF Congrats Roberto
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/13/2004
so another.. magnific photo! excellent in all! roby
l j
{K:349} 7/13/2004
another good one tim, great DOF