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fable makers
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Image Title:  fable makers
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 By: Nelson Moore [Kes] -   
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Nelson Moore [Kes] -   Nelson Moore [Kes] -   {Karma:20241}
Project #46 Henri Camera Model Rolleicord
Categories Children
Film Format Film 6x6cm
Portfolio Lens 75mm
Uploaded 1/30/2008 Film / Memory Type Kodak  T-Max
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 827 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 20 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 4/30/2008
Good capture


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 3/1/2008
Nice image Kes, great triangle of interest, the cat has stolen the show, very interesting work!! Something about the pose of the girl in the window really grabs me...:) :)


Aykaan K Aykaan K   {K:13601} 2/20/2008
athmosphere très étrange...

très beau travail..



Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 2/16/2008
Excellent view point and really great capture... I love it in BnW!


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 2/9/2008
love this blurry dog on this street and the child expression well captured!


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 2/4/2008
You are back in form, Kes! The cat walking on stage contributes to the fine posed spontaneity - which I believe to be part of the humour effect! Whatever you were doing, time has stopped for a moment! BTW, I owned a Rolleiflex 3.5F at one time. What an elegant machine!


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 2/3/2008
Excellent .... Great capture.. I love it .. 7++
cheers.. aLi


Magdalena W.L. Magdalena W.L.   {K:195} 2/1/2008
There is something amazing about this picture, perhaps the story hiding behind the scene and this place...great capture


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/1/2008
Hi Kes,
Yeah, and the Yashicamat was a pretty decent copy of those German TLRs. I consider myself lucky to have learned on one of those old "real" cameras, when you actually had to do something other than point and shoot, to get good results.

I am pleasantly surprised at how good a file you can get even with a relatively inexpensive scanner.
You can end up rediscovering and re-doing a lot of your favourite old images. If you are anything like me, you have held on to a lot of old negatives that you may never have developed. Scanning them to a file will bring back a lot of old memories.


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 2/1/2008
Great shot dear my friend, love the way how to captured this
private moment. Love your kids looks and pose, really nice
contrast and tonality.
Well done Kes!

Have a nice day,


Jelena Kasavica Jelena Kasavica   {K:441} 2/1/2008
great psychological contrast!


Noemi Jurado Noemi Jurado   {K:8849} 2/1/2008
Interesting shot Kes. Good one!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 1/31/2008
Thanks Rachel! Yes, all three were doing their own thing, yet they seem to fit together here somehow. Sort of a cross between a snapshot and a portrait. :)


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 1/31/2008
Thanks Andre. I've been busy doing...well, nothing much. :) Just don't seem to have a lot of time for UF'n here lately.

The Rolleicord is a step down from the Rolleiflex in glass, but still pretty decent for the price. Unfortunately, this is a scan of a small print. Someday I'm going to get a good scanner.


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 1/31/2008
Thanks a lot, Paul! And you are right about the decisive rushing a cat. :)


Rachel Leah Rachel Leah   {K:26110} 1/31/2008
This is pretty cool! I love your contrast and lighting here, and the fact that it is in black and white! I love all the different subjects in this too, very well placed - good eye, and very well carried out! Excellent work! :)


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/31/2008
Hi Kes,
It's about time we saw something from you :)
I like the way you set this one up. The kids being separated like that works well. And the cat in motion is a nice touch too.
I started photography using that format with my Dad's old Yashicamat. I used to like using those big negatives in the darkroom. Easy to handle and great quality from the Yashica lens too. Not exactly a Rolleiflex, but it was good enough for me. I have to see if I can dig that old camera up. I know it's stashed away at my Mom's place somewhere.
You mentioned that you think you lost some quality with the scan, but it looks pretty good to me. Are you scanning the print or the negative? My scanner has a negative attachment that works pretty good as long as you keep the file size fairly large.


Paul Schofield   {K:5970} 1/30/2008
Thumbnail looked a little weak but what a shot when opened.

An absolute stunner in my eyes. Well and truely the Decisive Moment.



Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 1/30/2008
Thanks so much, Pablo! The film results are not represented well here as there is something lost in the scan.

There's just somethng about film. It makes me think a little that's good. :)
Gotta run now but will catch up with you later.


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 1/30/2008
Wow...great capture Kes!!
Great camera,i love medium format.





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