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Jim Bishop / Bishop's Castle
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Image Title:  Jim Bishop / Bishop's Castle
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 By: Nelson Moore [Kes] -   
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Nelson Moore [Kes] -   Nelson Moore [Kes] -   {Karma:20241}
Project #53 Tribute to Arnold Newman Camera Model Sony DSC-P150
Categories Architecture
Film Format Digital JPEG
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Uploaded 9/13/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
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Critiques 21 Rating Critique Only Image
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About This is Jim Bishop. He hand built Bishop's Castle, which is seen in the background. When I say hand built, that includes all the masonry, intricate metal work, design, everything. I think some of the stained glass windows were donated.

The castle is surrounded by National Forest and is located in the Wet Mountains along Colorado State Highway 165. Admission to Bishop's Castle is free, with donations accepted. You are free to roam the castle - at your own risk. I get vertigo just climbing some of the spiral stairs in the steeples! It's an amazing testament to what one person can accomplish.

You look at it, and then look at Mr. Bishop, then say quietly say "wow".

The day we visited, June 24, 2005, Mr. Bishop was working on an archway in a wall he had just started constructing. The wall will be 20 feet tall and surround the castle. His back appeared stooped from 30 plus years of lifting rock. He was wearing a cast on his left arm, and was on a ladder cementing rock into this "new" project. As people would come by, he kept a steady string of commentary going about what was wrong with the federal and state governments, and something about the United Nations also, I think. He has a several large (4'x8') signs around the place filled with commentary also.

(Years ago I watched a documentary filmed by his kids (ok, a home movie) on the local PBS television channel. I think his son was being interviewed at the castle site, and every now and then Mr. Bishop would walk by in the background - with his commentary going non-stop!)

Later, during a lull in the commentary, I asked to photograph him, and he was all for that, but insisted that I get the recent masonry work in the shot. To him, this was of importance, whereas the castle, mostly finished, is old news. I'll post that shot, and others, below.

Mr. Bishop said he had electrocuted himself and just had a very expensive operation on his arm but that "That isn't going to stop me!, no sir!"


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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/28/2006
Tim - I hear you, but I don't know what to tell you. I see some benefit in a move up north, but I fear for my children's future...


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 9/26/2006
Well Kess,
this is one of the best doc on a interesting fellow i have come across on usefilm. I have read about him and his troubles before and just love the stuborn qualities of the guy. We have places like that up here in hippy land and there are no building codes in much of the rural areas thank god. I hate all the plastic all the same structures that are being sold for megga bucks these days. What happened to building in a fashion that lasts and is beautiful?....ahhhh well we create the way we are. We the sheep have fallen deep into the void of no feeling and squashed personalities


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 9/18/2006
Wow an interesting about Kes, and an amazing tribute to Mr Bishop, what a lovely architectural castle, love the textures and the're right it's amazing to think that one person can do this. He is leaving his mark in the world, nice photograph and tribute...I like the perspective too...What a beautiful place, I like the one in the comments section too...very nice Kes...Linda


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/16/2006
Yes, I agree, Mary. He's an extraordinary artist using an extraordinary medium.


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/16/2006
Thanks Doyle!
Bishop's Castle is in a county that doesn't have a building code (they have some zoning codes), although the local contractors are currently trying to get them established. They call it progress.

I live one county away and it is a world of difference. However, the advantage of living in a rural area of the county - what they don't see they don't know! But I think we (nationally) are being regulated into idiots. No one has to think about anything, the government will take care of that for them! I could go on and on.... :)

Can't use "staples or nails" on your own home! Doyle, I feel your pain, Man! I think we will experience more and more loss of liberty, loss of national sovereignty, more internationalism... :(

There I go again, on and on...:)

I admire Mr. Bishop for what he does and for understanding liberty and its price.




Mary Slade   {K:40338} 9/16/2006
Just amazing to think that he has built this! What an achievement. The stones really are beautiful.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 9/14/2006
Completely fascinating Kes . . . would never be permitted here though. Rules about how high you can build . . . what you can build with . . . must have permits and liscenses . . . . Walls must be a certain thickness for interior and a different one for exterior. All must be inspected . . . I could go on and on. Our city cited us for stapling a shade cloth to a patio overhang!!! We can tie things but not affix them with staples or nails. Bizarre rules. He may be on to something with his diatribe.

Doyle I <~~~~~


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 9/14/2006
Most entertainig story in words and picture! Well done, Kes!


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 9/14/2006
Fine journalism,very nice shot my friend.



Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 9/14/2006
I say "WoooW" and wooow! Really nice work and idea,
what an impressive building, looks like an fabled castle.
Love your description from Bishop, very great and creative man.
The composition is very impressive, lovely point of view,
great perspective and well composed! The idea is original,
the architecture is wonderful so impressive.
Very well done dear my friend! Bravooo 7+++

Have a nice day dear Kes!


Khayala Eylazova Khayala Eylazova    {K:464} 9/13/2006
Hi Kes, very interesting photos!
Beautiful architecture, castle, with the elements of modern design! Thank you for sharing...

Kind Regards,


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/13/2006
lol, well, I think that's his good car, Andre!

He uses a lot of 12 volt winches to lift rocks...along with various lifting devices he has made.

Here's a shot of his International Harvester pickup, or "Binder". The I-beam on top slides...thus to load & unload logs into the sawmill behind the truck. You can see some of the rails leading into the sawmill. Note the various 12 volt winches, the battery charger, the missing gas cap. Love it!

hmmm, "quirky"...I have a similar Binder. And another truck that has an I-Beam/lifting/crazy device on it...and I do a little rock work...and there's a photo of me on usefilm....

Yikes! :)


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 9/13/2006

Maybe someone should have been another few steps up higher taking a shot of you getting this shot:)

It seems he has a pretty quirky little car to go with his quirky personality:)


João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 9/13/2006
Excelent shot incrible one dear Kes congratulations my friend !!
have a nice day


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/13/2006
Hi Andre, yeah, he is definitely not your run-of-the-mill fellow.

It is almost humorous to see him up on a ladder, hanging on with the crook of the arm in a cast, laying rock with the other arm. Electrocuted himself with welder cables..."got 'em mixed up"...

Here he is on a ladder...this will be a tower - one on each corner of the wall...."I went down to bedrock, so an earthquake...well..."

Crazy? Probably. But I can't help but admire the guy.

(I went up this ladder and hopped on top of the wall to get one of the shots! Crazy? Probably.)


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 9/13/2006
This guy looks and sounds like quite a character Kes.

You have to admire someone who knows what he wants to do and then just goes out and accomplishes it.
(Even if it does look a little like something out of a Tim Burton movie :)



Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 9/13/2006
Gracias Kes! Muy interesante... unos detalles estupendos!
Saludos desde Argentina!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/13/2006
Thanks Alicia! He is quite a charachter for sure!

Here's a closer shot of the metal work on top of the castle. You can go inside the round thing and walk around.

Mr. Bishop is an ornamental iron fabricator also. He also has his own sawmill on site!



Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/13/2006
There is one spot only where I could get it all in the shot. Note the scaffolding on the side of the left tower and the ladder on the roof. That's the kind of stuff he works off of!


another view

Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 9/13/2006
Espectacular retrato, encanto de perspectiva, luz y colores.
Felicitaciones Kes!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 9/13/2006
Mr. Bishop wanted me to include his recent work. Note the cement is still "green".


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