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Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/28/2005 1:18:57 PM

Nice still life Dmitry. The grain works well. Keep it up!
        Photo By: Dmitry Gringauz  (K:1157)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/24/2005 1:07:21 PM

Simple but stunning! Excellent!
        Photo By: Jeffry Surianto  (K:768)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/24/2005 1:02:46 PM

Great tonality and wonderful (window?) light. Excellent!
        Photo By: Gertrud Gozner  (K:14222)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/24/2005 1:01:34 PM

I like these Mark. Very Portland. :-) Excellent work!
        Photo By: Mark Mahar  (K:3233)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/11/2005 6:41:05 PM

Good work Angelo! Food shots are some of the hardest to do in my opinion, and this is a really good one. The purple and green really pop and work well with the composition, and the depth of field is perfect. Bravo!
        Photo By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/4/2005 8:40:41 PM

Thanks for the compliments and advice. I know I really need to get focused in one direction and not be so scattered. Assembling a good portfolio is my top priority right now, especially one with a theme like you suggested. I appreciate the encouragement, and you can boss me around anytime! --Nicole
        Photo By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/1/2005 6:28:36 PM

Great title for a great shot!
        Photo By: Thilo Bayer  (K:50358)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
8/1/2005 6:26:08 PM

Nice minimalist photo, nice use of color, reminds me of a Rothko painting. Good work!
        Photo By: Alejandro Gómez  (K:4270)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 8:14:36 PM

Hey Jeff,
No, I didn't use any filter when shooting this. I don't remember what paper it was printed on (it was a while ago) but it was probably Ilford glossy, that used to be my standard. I hate to break it to you, but I'm getting my first digital camera tomorrow, but I will always have a love for film and will still continue to use it. There are some images I have in my mind that won't work with digital anyways (I want to do more contact sheet images, like "Broken"). But right now I don't have access to a darkroom, and I refuse to shoot black and white and have a lab develop it, so I haven't been doing much in that area lately. I'm might even enroll in a basic photo class at the junior college just to have lab access, that's how desperate I am. :-) Thanks for your comments, they are always appreciated!
        Photo By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:27:58 PM

Very beautiful and ethereal. Nice work!
        Photo By: Marcio Cabral  (K:12496)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:25:06 PM

Fantastic, I love it!
        Photo By: Ewa Brzozowska  (K:391)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:23:09 PM

Nice effect and use of color.
        Photo By: Sabrina Scurvy  (K:174)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:20:53 PM

Nice wedding shot, great exposure.
        Photo By: Thomas Paul  (K:111)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:13:54 PM

Beautiful, great light and feeling.
        Photo By: Magdy Aly  (K:3686)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:08:56 PM

Very minimalist, but I like it!
        Photo By: Manuel Ventura  (K:746)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:05:42 PM

You framed this perfectly, it looks amazing against that sky. Good work!
        Photo By: Saqib Zulfiqar  (K:2745)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/31/2005 4:04:45 PM

Nice color and tone! Good work.
        Photo By: Kevin Bird  (K:-382)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/29/2005 11:24:48 PM

Stunning! Very moody, I like all the shadows and silhouettes, great reflection. Nice work!
        Photo By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/25/2005 10:30:24 PM

Roberto, parli inglese? Parlo italiano un poco...
        Photo By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/25/2005 9:08:27 PM

Beautiful--where was it taken, on Mars? :-)
        Photo By: Roberto Bertone  (K:13239)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/25/2005 9:06:53 PM

Simply Stunning Roberto!
        Photo By: Roberto Bertone  (K:13239)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/23/2005 6:52:44 PM

Thanks Angelo! The size wasn't really a choice, I just pulled it off a CD and don't have any software on this computer (I'm at work) to resize it. But in the future I will try to post larger images. Thanks for the feedback!
        Photo By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/21/2005 4:19:05 PM

Excellent! I love the almost monochromatic color, great composition with the shadow and angle of his body.
        Photo By: ruslan s.  (K:9)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/21/2005 4:09:56 PM

Outstanding! One of the best shots of the lights I have seen. I can just imagine myself sitting next to you staring in amazement at this natural phenomena. Great composition, color and sense of place.
        Photo By: Chris VenHaus  (K:30)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
7/21/2005 4:02:35 PM

Great shot! A lot of people seem to think that just throwing a fisheye lens on their camera makes every shot great and interesting, when they actually tend to look somewhat cliched. But this is one of the most dynamic fisheye shots I've seen, and it's no easy task to shoot the night sky. Great work!
        Photo By: Uwe Bachmann  (K:10222)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
6/19/2005 4:41:05 PM

Great perspective and excellent exposure for what I'm sure was a difficult lighting situation. Dynamic!
        Photo By: Manu    (K:13082)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
6/19/2005 4:37:53 PM

Great shot! Makes me want to go to Tuscany even more than I already do!
        Photo By: Zbigniew Biejat  (K:243)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
6/19/2005 4:33:23 PM

Interesting, I like the way the leaves look like hands and fingers.
        Photo By: Gary Boebs  (K:264)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
6/19/2005 4:31:38 PM

An interesting take on a usually boring corporate portrait. There's something slightly surreal about it that I like, the man almost looks mechanical or plastic or something. Good work!
        Photo By: Siddharth Siva  (K:3327)

Critique By: N.R. Miller  (K:946) Donor  
6/19/2005 4:25:49 PM

This is an interesting shot, I like the composition and it has a very morose, foreboding feeling to it. But it's a bit too contrasty for me, I'd like to see more detail in the shadows. You've got some nice textures, make sure you can see them!
        Photo By: John E Robertson  (K:1752)

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