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Image Title:  Volcano
Favorites: 10 
 By: Marcio Cabral  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Marcio Cabral {Karma:12496}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model N90s
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Magic hour
Lens 17-35
Uploaded 10/10/2003 Film / Memory Type velvia100f
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2262 Shutter
Favorites 10  Aperture f/0
Critiques 66 Rating
/ 53 Ratings
Location City - 
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There are 66 Comments in 1 Pages
N.R. Miller N.R. Miller   {K:946} 7/31/2005
Very beautiful and ethereal. Nice work!


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 4/2/2005
perfect job 7+++++


Hing Wong   {K:2545} 3/19/2004
Very pretty. Fantasitic picture.


Fernando Gonçalves   {K:111} 12/4/2003
Otima composição e iluminação.
Pelo que pude comprovar pelos seus outros trabalhos voçê é um mestre neste tipo de foto.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 11/24/2003
great beautiful excellent. what a scene !!!!
Bravo and bravo Marcio. Congratulations
Regards, biliana


Beth Lasoff   {K:539} 11/23/2003
Wow, i love the effects you did with the lighting and color. Definately lots of skill!


charlie f. kohn   {K:25919} 11/23/2003
marcio, as unbelievable as it looks, obviously reality is somewhat more dreamlike than we normally think. beautiful work.

thank you very much for your kind comment on 'over the bridge'
saludos // madrid


Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)   {K:3147} 11/15/2003
Great perspective!!! Wonderful details and colors!!!!!


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 11/6/2003


deniz kaan copur   {K:12726} 10/26/2003
absolutely super! congrats marcio. --: )


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 10/25/2003
Beleza de lugar,a foto está à altura do cenário.Excelente.


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 10/23/2003
I do not have words in order to say this beauty


Giovanni Allievi   {K:1052} 10/21/2003
I like this one !



Shigeyuki Mohara Shigeyuki Mohara   {K:4753} 10/18/2003
Beautiful motion blur and excellent composition! Wonderful! Regards,Shige


Fernando Macedo   {K:4008} 10/18/2003
Lindo, boa escolha de cor, enquadramento excelente. Parabéns.


Nita M   {K:4986} 10/17/2003
Strong image.


MEmar ME MEmar ME   {K:12566} 10/15/2003
Olá Marcio:
É sempre um prazer deixar o meu olhar percorrer as suas admiráveis e sempre belas imagens. Esta é mais um fantático trabalho, fruto da sua sensibilidade e arte expressiva. As tonalidades estão divinas.
Um sorriso.


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 10/15/2003
Lindo!!! Muito bem trabalhado, Marcio! Ficou um show de composição!


Zé Ovo   {K:7579} 10/14/2003
Excelente Marcio!
Que maravilha de fotografia...,


Carlos Brando   {K:4637} 10/14/2003
que coisa mais linda... parabéns... não tenho nem comentários, está perfeito


Gabriele Pfund   {K:11745} 10/14/2003
Great composition, colours are marvellous!! Regards


Maurilio Ultramari   {K:8200} 10/13/2003
Fine art work! Linda Marcio. Imagino o que vem por aí!


Eva Backlund   {K:2374} 10/13/2003
Beautiful!! Fantastic colours and light in the image. Very nice work, Marcio!!


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 10/13/2003
wonderful image


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 10/12/2003
Beautiful composition I like this one a lot.


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 10/12/2003
Wow! Terrific! Hell's Island? Excellent camera work here!!!


Armando Jorge   {K:7937} 10/12/2003
Excelente !! Tonalidades magnificas !


Estevao Jose   {K:6115} 10/12/2003
Qualidade indiscutível!!! As cores são fantásticas e a composição é maravilhosa, Marcio!!! TOP 7/7!!! Aquele abraço desde São José dos Campos, do fã Estevão José.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 10/12/2003
Fantastic colours; excellent shot!


Amancio Couto   {K:15720} 10/12/2003
EXCELLENT Shot!...congrats Marcio!...Super magnifica ficou esta!..parabens!...


Finn Kristensen   {K:1230} 10/11/2003
Hi Marcio. What can i say, excellent way of expression. Well done. Regards


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 10/11/2003
já juntei às favoritas !!!


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 10/11/2003
Eatch photo of yours is a piece of art! Again you upload a photo that proof you are one of the best photographers I ever seen in the internet. I don't believe what the long exposure can do! Here simple a miracle! A magic work! Thanks Marcio for making usefilm better!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 10/11/2003
Oooh... stunning, beautiful, and so perfect! I love the mood and the colour tones are fantastic! Excellent composition!


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 10/11/2003
Really breathtaking beauty! Great & Grand!


Marcia Moskado   {K:1025} 10/10/2003
Que espetáculo de imagem! Lindíssimas cores! Parabéns!


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 10/10/2003
Hi!Original work,bravo!
Suggestion:I'd like you to move whole image more up.I think it could be better that you catch more clouds and cut bottom darken space.
Best regards!


André Bermak André Bermak   {K:14443} 10/10/2003
Show de bola titiu,excelente composição!!!!!!


Masahiko Shibata Masahiko Shibata   {K:14107} 10/10/2003
Nice capture and great landscape!


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 10/10/2003
WOW parece mesmo um vulcão.

Puxa estava pensando em fazer um foto como essas em Noronha. Obviamente é uma questão de gosto mas acho que preferia ver o mar todo lisinho. Nesse caso acho que você iria precisar de um ND bem pesado. Quais filtros vc usou nessa foto?


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 10/10/2003
Fantatsic composition with great sky colours. Really fantastic mood.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/10/2003


Mik Teige   {K:2311} 10/10/2003
Excellent perspective and expression of this image. Wonderful colours. Very nice work.


Nicole Marcisz Nicole Marcisz   {K:10268} 10/10/2003
WOW! WOW! WOW! beautiful!

what filters did you use? what volcano is this?



Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 10/10/2003
what a beautiful scene... Abracos


Albert Gacsádi   {K:244} 10/10/2003
Unbelivable! Where is this place?


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 10/10/2003
Best regards,


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 10/10/2003
Fantastic composition with great colors and mood.
Regards, Hayri.


Marcos Duarte   {K:15402} 10/10/2003
WOW! Great light and composition. Scene is beautifull. Congrat
Linda foto , lindas cores


Christian Stocker Christian Stocker   {K:3143} 10/10/2003
Great capture, splendid colours!


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 10/10/2003
Very beautiful, it seems to be present at an eruption, the sea is like incandescent lava, the colours, lights and frame are fantastic! Bye Max


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 10/10/2003
Great work!!!


Robson Zumkeller Campos   {K:4071} 10/10/2003
Fantastica essa sua foto, Marcio!
Obrigado pelo comentario na minha foto...


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 10/10/2003
stunning effect..


edmond lisy   {K:10311} 10/10/2003
Great tones, excellent composition !!


Kala Wlodarczyk   {K:2567} 10/10/2003


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/10/2003
fantastic volcano marcio... magnific atmosphere!
regrdas roby


Naty Z   {K:16436} 10/10/2003
it's so nice to see a new work from you!
i love it, as always!


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 10/10/2003
Muito bonita esta imagem


p. c.   {K:18} 10/10/2003
Oh, I like this one.


lidian neeleman   {K:6700} 10/10/2003
Great art work...
excellent color combination..


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 10/10/2003


David Ziegert   {K:378} 10/10/2003
Incredibly beautiful shot! Where is this?

Please give me feedback on my pix!


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 10/10/2003
very beautiful capture, i like the colors ...well done.


Jari Hakala   {K:253} 10/10/2003


Kevin Britton   {K:49} 10/10/2003
Great shot, love the water, what filters did you use?




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