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Party Pansy
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Image Title:  Party Pansy
Favorites: 1 
 By: Mary Brown  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Mary Brown {Karma:71879}
Project #2 The Creative Flower Camera Model Kodak DX7440
Categories Florals
Film Format
Portfolio All Images
Lens Auto Setting for flowers
Uploaded 6/30/2005 Film / Memory Type Natural Colour
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1960 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 56 Rating
/ 17 Ratings
Location City - 
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About We needed a floral picture to use on the invitation for my Mother-in-Law's 90th birthday party in August. I worked on a few, but decided on this one. She's this amazing lady who still lives alone, sings in the church choir, just through 2 cancer operations she bought a new sewing machine and is sewing all kinds of articles for the church bazaar....

(My email problem was resolved and I have been receiving my UF comments again.)
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There are 56 Comments in 1 Pages
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/16/2008
gorgeous. 7+++++++++++++=


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 10/15/2007
Amazing composition with the very original artwork you did here Mary, excellent work.
Best regards!


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 4/24/2006
beautiful. soft. colorful.


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 4/10/2006
Magnificient capture, love,a sim


Linda Mac Donald   {K:1892} 1/14/2006
Just took a moment to look at your portfolio.
Beautiful work. I love this pansy. It is just perfect Mary.


Sérgio Pinheiro   {K:171} 10/2/2005
Great colors and composition! Good work!


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 8/27/2005
My belated best wishes to your mother in law! This picture suits well for the invitation. Lovely!


Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 8/11/2005
Wonderful mood presented, Mary. Lovely colors and composition. Well done!


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 8/4/2005
forme e cromatismi eccezionali


Peter Daniel Peter Daniel   {K:33866} 8/4/2005
Wonderful Photograph Mary, Great colors, clarity and Composition.

Thanks for sharing? Thanks for the wonderful comment on my Bluebonnet Photograph.
GOD Bless?
Your friend, Peter


Pierre Martin   {K:3355} 7/12/2005
Hi Mary,

This is a very beautiful image for the invitation. I love what you've done here. Your Mother-in-Law really seems like a wonderful person!! I'm sure she'll really appreciate this.


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 7/11/2005
The blend of soft and sharp focus is just right for me in this one. The colors are fabulous. This is really a gorgeous invitation! Happy Birthday to your Mother-in-Law -- She will surely adore this. Antonia


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 7/11/2005
Lovely...Party Pansis...Photograph...Mary!
Excellent Composition!...and Very nice About..introduction...!!!
Best Regards:

My...Mary! are really very attentive...with your Pleasing Comments for my Photographic Uploads...I am very..very Appreciative...for them All!!!


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 7/9/2005
It would make anyone want to attend, Mary! Congratulations to a wonderful lady on her 90th birthday.


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 7/9/2005
Me gusta este trabajo


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 7/8/2005
you compliment mary, this is a beautiful floral typesetting!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 7/8/2005
Very beautiful floral Mary!!
Great work!
Best regards!


Bob Aldridge Bob Aldridge   {K:14758} 7/6/2005
What an amazing woman your mother in law is, moste
people have passed over long befor then.The pansy
floral image is a craking shot mary you,v
done justis to that shot, I love that back ground
my regards to your mother in law.Cheers Mary..
Bob Aldridge.


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 7/5/2005
Beautiful colours and composition, Mary.
Best regards, Chris


Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 7/4/2005
well chosen the soft focus and vivid colors. Your Mother-in-Law sounds like a rambunctious soul.


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 7/2/2005
You always see the most beautiful moment and capture them so well!! 7+++ For sure.


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 7/2/2005
Please convey my congratulations to your mother-in-law. With my 75+ I'm a child compared to her. I'm sure she will be happy with this flower photo in the invitations. I, for one, like it very much.
For someone who is pressed for time, you commented on quite a number of my photos, dear Mary.
Here's the list: my "From the field 9, 10 and 11", my "Orange ribbon 2" which made you laugh and I'm glad about that, my "On the fidge door", which is not really ours but our daughters, but ours looks the same, my "CD", which aroused different associations in different viewers, from flying saucer to your pattern on jeans, my "Green cur glass", my "Legless beggar", my "Bonsai tree reflected", at the sight of which you claimed not to have time for individual comments but continued commenting all the same, my "Goodbye friend, hello stranger" and my "Since 1977."
For all those lovely comments I thank you deeply, dear Mary.
Best regards,


Gilberto Santa Rosa   {K:11147} 7/1/2005
I like it very much!!!!!
Thanks for yours kindly comments on my photos!!!


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 7/1/2005
Fabulous image Mary! And your mother-in-law sounds amazing! Wish her happy birthday for me!


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 7/1/2005
Not only a excellent photo, but a great tribute to your mother-in-law. You even picked one of my favorite colors. I bet she will love it. Del.


Bill Voizin Bill Voizin   {K:78} 6/30/2005
Absolutely beautiful Mary...colors, lighting, and tones...all super!! Regards--Bill Voizin


julie hugill julie hugill   {K:6730} 6/30/2005
Wow this is so pretty very nicely done lovely colours Mary !!
Cheers Julie


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 6/30/2005
Hello Mary,
this is a very nice picture.I hope your Mother-in-Law is healthy now.
my best wishes,


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 6/30/2005
Interesantísimo macro.


Jim Hartley Smith   {K:255} 6/30/2005
Like a painting...very dreamy mood to this...great colours and play of lighting.


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/30/2005
Thanks, Todd. The lighting in the background is a gradient something or other over the original picture covered with a blur. I don't know all the right terms yet or how to use most of the stuff in PS. When I have time, I just fool around and see what I can come up with.


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/30/2005
Robert, thanks for your encouraging comment.
Re the time I have to post comments on UF. There are a number of things that factor into that. 1. I'm retired. 2. My children are grown and gone. 3. My health demands that I rest more and not be as physically active as I once was. So, I have 2-3 hours a day when I am resting. I can lie on the couch with my laptop and go to UF. It sure beats trying to find something worthwhile on the wasteland of TV. There are days I can't get to UF for various reasons. However, mostly I can and one can view many pictures and make many comments in 2.5 hours. It's great to have the time, not so great to have the reason why.
Take care.


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 6/30/2005
Hey Lady - You were the one that said you were not having any luck with taking florals - that does not appear to be the case - witness these last two floral shots. They are great - and the presentations are perfect for the shots. Keep taking and uploading like these last two florals - you are becoming a "pro"! When you branch out you do it right. WTG Jan


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/30/2005
John, I can just picture the two of them driving off down a lovely country road together. ;-))


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 6/30/2005
Thanks, Janice. I am not sure what you call what I did. I used the lasso tool to outline the pansy, then inversed, then played with the background using the new layer gradient option and then a blur (that geasun, geasion, whatever, I really know my PS, don't I?). The result is a little softer than the flowers as they were, IMHO.
Mary So, from your comments on this and my last one, I guess I qualify now as finally having a decent floral.?


Manuel Bedoyan Manuel Bedoyan   {K:9098} 6/30/2005
Very nicely done Mary, really unique. By the way, Happy Birthday for your mother in-law from now:)




Marusnik Bela   {K:11611} 6/30/2005
Beauty work, nice tones, perfectly used yellow-blue contrast.Congrats!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 6/30/2005
think is the best choice dear Mary!!!! very beautiful!!!!! best wishes to your mother in law!! she must be a great lady!!!!


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 6/30/2005
A lovely image for an invitation and she sounds a wonderful lady indeed


Todd Weeks Todd Weeks   {K:7636} 6/30/2005
Hi Mary,

That's very creative. Did you add the lighting effect, or is it natural? Good choice for the invitation.



Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 6/30/2005
This is very beautiful and well balanced with the colors. Arriving at 90 is quite an acomplishment, and my Dad has also had his 90th this year. How nice that you can provide such a nice invitation. Alison


Giorgio Goretti   {K:15471} 6/30/2005
a fine work Mary,
love the colors and the shades


greg collins   {K:12273} 6/30/2005
Very nice image. Love the colour and blurr.


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 6/30/2005
beautiful floral the colors and detail are amazing, very well done.


Toshi  Toshi    {K:11924} 6/30/2005
Love the deep, yet soft colors. Very well captured and composed.


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 6/30/2005
I'm sure your Mother loved this card. Nice work, great colors.
(thanks for your recent comments on my pictures,I've have not been active on here lately as been busy with other matters...hope to get back and catch up)



Robert Delgadillo Robert Delgadillo   {K:3509} 6/30/2005
Hats off to Mary! I know you must have spent a lot of time on this one and it shows. You tweeked to the last nuance of color shade to balance it just right. I am sure your mother in law will just love all the thought and effort you put in.
Glad to hear your email problems are solved, I was begining feel a little left out, not having gotten any messages for few days. I don't know how you can spend the time you do with all the comments to people here.


Marilyn Nagy   {K:6008} 6/30/2005
Mary, Beautiful choice. Lovely colors. Almost looks painted. Marilyn


sherif hussein   {K:13815} 6/30/2005
Excellent floral capture with very nice coloue and great composition
Excellent work and best wishes to your mother in law


Mark Kresl Mark Kresl   {K:9434} 6/30/2005
Well chosen, Mary. Florals can be so pretty, and this one is very unique and beautiful. The colors at the corners are well done.


thanks for your recent comments. They are very much appreciated.


Dorothy Di Liddo   {K:13787} 6/30/2005
Awesome photo, and one certainly deserving of such an awesome lady. :) Dottie


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 6/30/2005
Thats a nice choice for the invitations Mary!I'm sure Your Mother in law will love them!!! She sounds like a sweet woman!!! She should meet My Grandfather! He will be 93 in November!!Lives alone, still drives!
Anyway, this is pretty Mary! Take care!.................John


Jan Graziano   {K:17920} 6/30/2005
What a lovely floral for a 90th birthday invitation. Very, very nice, and really like whatever you did to achieve the effect that you did. Did you layer or is this just super DOF? Jan


Steve Williams   {K:1341} 6/30/2005
Nice colors


Robert Adams Robert Adams   {K:-1272} 6/30/2005
Very good Mary. This should work just fine for the invitation.


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 6/30/2005
Best wishes to your mother-in-law..and a beautiful floral Mary, I love the complementary colors and the composition, very well done...:):)Linda




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