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Water Lily
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Image Title:  Water Lily
Favorites: 14 
 By: Mary Sue Hayward  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Mary Sue Hayward {Karma:17558}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon 10d
Categories Florals
Film Format
Lens 100mm and ef 25 extension tube
Uploaded 4/20/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 4631 Shutter 30 seconds
Favorites 14  Aperture f32
Critiques 57 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
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About Natural light. Tripod and cable release.
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Mary Sue




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There are 57 Comments in 1 Pages
Michele Beccia Michele Beccia   {K:16550} 11/24/2014
Excellent capture! Regards!Michele:)


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 9/7/2004
Larry, I shot this in the corner of the room where there are two windows: one to the north, the other to the west. The light was probably bright, but indirect. Typically in that corner I use the blinds to control the light, but those bright tips make me think there was a ton of light coming through. The surface 'skin' of that flower is very shiny and smooth, which probably made it more likely to serve as a reflective surface.

Thanks again for your generous remarks.


Larry Tiefenbrunn Larry Tiefenbrunn   {K:153} 9/7/2004
Another winner! Mary Sue, what kind of natural light did you have? I notice bright highligts on the petal tips.


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 7/31/2004
Cracking shot.


Bill Webster   {K:1669} 5/12/2004
Absolutely love this photo. Nice detail and colors. I can almost touch it! Good work.


Arun Madisetti Arun Madisetti   {K:1145} 4/11/2004
Once again, another phenomenal image. Awesome job MSH!

Arun M


Alberto Calheiros   {K:2647} 4/3/2004


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 3/25/2004
Perfect!My best,JOHN


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 11/11/2003
absolutely brilliant colour!!!


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 8/11/2003
Just beautiful shot with nice details and colours.
Regards, Joksa.


Naren Kunhody   {K:1339} 7/10/2003
Wow, Wonderful macro.. with stunning details and colors.. Fantastic job


Peter Carucci   {K:1672} 7/3/2003
Wonderful! Unbelievable color. Great macro and lighting.
I'd love to rate it, but the rating chart doesn't come up for this one. Please post more like this!


Leslie Cohelan   {K:20807} 6/27/2003
This is one of the best macros I have seen...excellent depth...and that is what I keep going back to is the depth and the clarity...beautiful


Eren AYDIN   {K:737} 6/27/2003
another marvellous job.. you choose the best material and do the best shots.. congratulations..


Martin Mora Martin Mora   {K:4666} 6/2/2003
Hi Mary :) long time no see, got your message, and wanted to respond,, this photo caught my eye right away, popped it up, for a closer look and OMG its STUNNING!!!so pure, clean and crisp sharpness, your work is a level above Mary, so very suprised this one doesnt have an Editors Choice on it, you asked about how i been donig stuff lately,i did just get a digital camera, and am still trying to figure out how to get good images that I dont have to photoshop to death, thats something that always bugged me, all the comp work on stuff, and now here I am, more of a photoshop artist than a photographer, Email me at, so i can get your email, and if you like I'll fill you in on what I been adding to my stuff :)


Pedro Beça Múrias   {K:2076} 5/31/2003
Dear friend. Next monday I will go back to that window and try to do better. I love your photos and colours. You must have a great heart.


Wahid Noureldin   {K:759} 5/23/2003
Unbeliavable macro beauty and colours, Mary.


Kimberly Fisher   {K:482} 5/22/2003
What a beauty. Wow the color just jumps out at you. Wonderful detail and fabulous photo..


michael faulkner   {K:327} 5/8/2003
Gorgeous Mary Sue! Thanks for referring me to the site!


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 5/5/2003
Thanks for the continued feedback about this image. I appreciate everyone's comments. Regarding ratings, there is no bug. I opted for the 'no ratings' choice when I uploaded the image. I deeply value comments, but ratings don't matter much to me so I don't use them. Again, thank you very much for your remarks, it encourages me a great deal :)


Bob Tomerlin   {K:5460} 5/4/2003
Mary Sue - This is great! For some reason, I can't rate it, so I'm going to send an email to Al to see what the problem is.

Good job (enough to make me check out your portfolio - haven't been there yet, but this shot makes me expect good things)


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 4/30/2003
OK, you are putting me to shame here. This is fantastic!


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 4/30/2003
Wow! How did I miss this jewel? Superb macro!!


Eleni A   {K:798} 4/30/2003
Great macro, Beautiful picture!


John Chiu   {K:6250} 4/29/2003
Great colour and DOF.


Daniel Headrick   {K:570} 4/28/2003
That's the freshest-looking flower I've seen in some time! Great, great shot!


owen clarke   {K:380} 4/27/2003
i think that this picture is the sharpest close up i have ever seen of a flower. I think its fantastic, the colours,the sharpness how do u achieve this sharpness Mary as i try and try but cant get as close as u do or as sharp


Leslie Cohelan   {K:20807} 4/26/2003
this has amazing clarity and excellent detail... would love to be able to rate this one...the colors are just stunning...after going through your portfolio, I discovered that many of your pics were with an E-10....would love to know how you feel about the 10D in comparison...please feel free to e-mail me as that is my next interest...


Matt Hardy   {K:474} 4/25/2003
Wow MarySue, this is unbelievable. New cameras are so much fun. It seems to me that you already have the 10D down! Very good macro.


judy golphenee   {K:84} 4/24/2003


Daniel Lozano   {K:1162} 4/22/2003
superb macro with great contrast and color saturation, amazing detail. I can almost 'feel' the color in this great shot.


josep ribas   {K:549} 4/22/2003
Very good macro. nice colours.
a greeting


Beverly Gustafson   {K:1572} 4/20/2003
WOW, absolutley stunning! Perfect color, exposure,composition..the Macro queen strikes again, keep them coming!


heather martino   {K:3648} 4/20/2003
Beautiful. Thanks for your kind comments on my flowers. It means a lot when you're putting up pix like this!


Patty Selph   {K:180} 4/20/2003
Beautiful work....unbelievable colors & clarity. I love this one, Mary. Regards, Patty


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 4/20/2003
Really fantastic work.


Shmuel Bar-El   {K:181} 4/20/2003
Excellent shot and great macro.


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 4/20/2003
Thank you to everyone!


John Charlton   {K:5595} 4/20/2003


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 4/20/2003
Excellent macro, so sharp and excellent coloring. Regards Kaj Nielsen


Dora Ferenczi   {K:96} 4/20/2003


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 4/20/2003
I can feel this nice work,very good colors and sharpnes.


Francesco Raciti   {K:7101} 4/20/2003
very very good


Toni Martin   {K:5092} 4/20/2003
WOW!!!!!!!!! STUNNING! I did not notice that new camera before. You make a great team. I am sure something super will come of this image. I am not that picky. I have no problem with this! I like some things cut off, more natural.


Rob Patrick   {K:2177} 4/20/2003
An exquisite use of colour and texture.


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 4/20/2003
Beautiful composition and lighting. Extremely well done. Don.


Louise Vessey   {K:13862} 4/20/2003
Simply wonderful.


Elangovan S   {K:10675} 4/20/2003
OMG... what a colorful treat for the Easter! That's an unbelivable picture.


- simos -   {K:9354} 4/20/2003
Excellent macro! great colors.
regards, simo


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 4/20/2003
A great macro, nice colors!Why cant I rate this photo?


Brad Morris   {K:3307} 4/20/2003
You really have the knack when it comes to Macros, great work


Luis Costa - Lucaz   {K:9205} 4/20/2003
Very good work, regards!


Massimo Ghini   {K:2311} 4/20/2003
Splendid macro shot.Crisp details.Amazing colors.


Stephen Ha   {K:104} 4/20/2003
Amazing color , great detail and corp , beautiful marco .


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 4/20/2003
super macro, great color and detail.


judy ben joud   {K:4160} 4/20/2003
beautiful macro


Chris Eynon   {K:1296} 4/20/2003
Wow - this is fantastic. Amazing clarity. Why cant I rate this photo.




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