Raf D
{K:9223} 5/17/2005
Wonderful amount of detail here! I like the idea that he's not looking into the camera. Nice shot George! -- Kind regards, Rafael
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 5/13/2005
reminds me of the MArines, which reminds me of my Joshua... :) Nice close up. Dottie
George Black
{K:102014} 5/13/2005
Yes, Carlos, they have the same reputation here. That is yet another macho perversion. I agree one needs to be careful--like master, like pooch, I think. On the other hand, this dog has a very sweet disposition--very like the Labrador. And yes, I saw the movie. My wife saw only about 10%. ;-) --g
George Black
{K:102014} 5/13/2005
I think (THINK) it is an American Bull Terrier, aka pit bull, but I am not certain. What a great pup you have! --g
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 5/13/2005
wonderful!! ^_^ I love the dogs
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 5/13/2005
It's a lotta bull to me...nice portrait George
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 5/13/2005
Hi George,
very good detail here. the near quadratic format really fits the subject.
raging bull ;-)
{K:12969} 5/13/2005
A different picture which reminded me of ?Lemme at Him? ? a pit bull as well I believe, but a younger animal - http://www.usefilm.com/image/635785.html. There is in this country ongoing controversy about these animals ? some want complete restrictions to publics places while animal rights people fight their own cause? but every year one reads about children being seriously mauled and worse. - anyway, the dogs may be getting a bad rap but certainly demand respect! I?ve noticed I go into ?hyper alert? when around them! Good close up George! ? a must see 'motion' picture is Alejandro González Iñárritu?s ?Amores perros?
{K:42404} 5/13/2005
Wonderful pic. It is an american Bulldog?? or a white boxer. I have a english bull terrier her name is Chimba
Paul Boocock
{K:8314} 5/12/2005
Good looking beast isn't he!? Nice profile shot George, you've got all the detail in the fur and those very white teeth. Not sure I'd want the job of brushing those...... ;~}