Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/25/2005
Thanks so much Brad! I'm going back looking at my portfolio, trying to view them in a different way, see what I like and what I don't. I'm sure people thought this was intentional, but I just now noticed the words in this read, "the ART of compromise." I hadn't realized that before. I was so focused on compromise and blunder and the turned around paintbrush that I hadn't see the word, "art" which fits the subjects of the photo even more. Thanks again, I enjoy this photo myself :)
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 3/25/2005
Andrea, thanks so much for your thoughtful comments! I must say, I have gone through your portfolio, and I see many examples of "geometric" tendencies. This is one! Considering that you have only been posting for a short while, I see a distinct style....not so much from a compositional perspective, but a style of content (if there is such a thing). You have an incredible eye for seeing things that most people would walk past, or not even see...even if they were staring at it. THAT is the indicator that I use to judge a photographers skill. I doubt that I will ever be a technical wizard, but I am satisfied that I can find something in most settings, that others may not. That is what I see in your portfolio.... common objects/settings, photographed from an uncommon perspective. You really "worked" the limited depth of field here, taking advantage of the macro view of loooong objects. This image rocks! ..Brad
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/21/2005
Thank you!
{K:340} 3/20/2005
oh interesting and very nice! It seem like three dimentional! congrulation
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 3/18/2005
Just wanted to share this with You Andrea, I just sat down to write a poem about ten minutes ago,I'm on the third verse and was stuck,The last line was "There will be no more compromise".After sitting with a blank brain I came on Usefilm and scrolled down the most recent comments and saw this photo,without knowing the title, it was the first photo I clicked on!Great title!Pretty cool! This is very good!Excellent closeup and very interesting composition!Great dof and clarity!This will be in Favorites for the photo and for the title!Super job here!No compromise!GOD bless! Take care Andrea!My best..........John 7+++
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/18/2005
Thanks everyone. It's a newspaper I put down for the kids to paint on. I think it's recycled paper so that's why it's kind of dark. The only light source was a 100 watt light bulb hanging above the table. I know the photo is pretty typical-I'm just trying to experiment with DOF, my macro button and see how much a 2MP camera can do. Thanks again for the comments! I can't wait to post more photos here...19 hours 45 seconds to go - lol!
Sonny Lewis
{K:218} 3/18/2005
You've got a great eye! The warm-tone is nice, was the paper actually that color? But again, great job!
{K:-210} 3/17/2005
Very cool.........like the DOF, well done....
{K:9693} 3/17/2005
Very nice use of focus and colours! and Welcome!! I hope you will enjoy the site. Cheers and thanks for looking my portflio.
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 3/17/2005
Very nice work Andrea! The DOF is great and the colors are nice too! Welcome to Usefilm!