levent buyuk
{K:2041} 8/6/2005
Wonderful B&W photo.I like your technic ,the tones & composition...My congs 7+++
{K:2487} 7/13/2005
Oh wow, this tree is so great! Your model looks very sweet and completely at home. I love her dress, especially worn barefoot whilst treeclimbing.
pan g.
{K:16899} 7/11/2005
Another one with great light and tones. A picture full of textures. Bravo Antonia, superb work !!!
Roland Lacson
{K:12214} 6/8/2005
Excellent capture, like very much the way the limbs of the tree frame Rachel. I also noticed that the tree forms like a hand & she's standing on the palm. Nice tones too, well done Toni, best wishes & cheers.
jan thomassen
{K:243} 5/7/2005
Had to check you out - very impressive shot - wonderfull tones, dof and sharpness - the contrast between the litle girl and the massive tree was an excellent choise - well done!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 5/2/2005
Thanks Marcel. Antonia
Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 5/2/2005
wow - great portrait!!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 3/25/2005
Thanks for liking my "Bird." :) Antonia
Alper Tecer
{K:7007} 3/24/2005
Very nice image with lots of detail and good composition. Regards.
Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 2/27/2005
sure does look like a fun climbing tree, nice shot
cheers, nicole
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/27/2005
I got another one again! :P I like to do it! But i see a lot of beautifull portraits made with ilford films, are they an important ingredient? Thanks again!
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/25/2005
And i today tried to make portraits with natural lightning like you said! I like it.. I've made a portrait of my mom today. Its in my portfolio.. THanks a lot for the tip! Best wishes abel!
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/25/2005
what??? it is no joke! Im serious. It was just coincidence i think. I just weared a red pullover i wear that one a lot espacially in winter when its cold. But i now have got photoshop!
Best wishes Abel!!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/23/2005
o.k...Abel...what is up? Something is strange here. How is it that you happened to be in the woods in red taking a picture in a tree before I posted mine? You are playing with me here..right? I saw something else put up by another person that was along these lines -- it looked like a joke. Would you clue me in?
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/23/2005
3 weeks ago or something... And about photoshop.. I think i'll can get it free But i heard it wasnt easy to work with.. But anyway it sounds great! Toni dont you have a book or something?
Best wishes abel! and many thanks again!
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/23/2005
...Abel, when did you take this shot? It couldn't have been between our comments..too fast.
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/23/2005
Abel, do you not have Adobe Photoshop? If not, maybe you can get it. You will love it. PhotoElements is less expensive and is also an excellent program. Total Training makes tutorials for the computer that are really helpful in getting started.
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{K:3679} 1/23/2005
yes! how do you see it :P Was pretty hard to make. I had to run! But just were set on time :) But what is SP? Im sorry:P Im becoming irritating:P
Thanks a lot !
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/23/2005
The composition is very good, as is the DOF. From the dark shadow, it looks like direct sunlight. That is always a difficult time of day to capture the richness of colors and tones. Light and location are both very important. I have a lot of shots like this where I have captured a scene because I wanted the scene, but the light wasn't the best. Then I just do the best I can with PS to enhance. Those usually don't make it to Usefilm unless either I am looking to solve a problem I think others can help me with, or the scene is worth sharing inspite of everything else. Antonia.
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/23/2005
You cracked me up! I love your red bird... It is you, right? Now convert it to BW and play with PS.
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/23/2005
and I captured this smiling deer...

delete my account
{K:3679} 1/23/2005
Thanks!! For your explanation.. I dont completely understand it but im now just studying a bit of techniques.. My wood shots turned out uninteresting ... :( (this is one...) Thanks a lot! And best wishes Abel!

Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 1/22/2005
Abel, thank you and I'm so glad you like my woods shots so much. The lighting in this part of the woods is amazing, not to mention the wonderful trees. The trees are spaced quite a bit apart, and their leaves and branches permit the light to filter through so that the limbs get this extraordinary wide range of tones. It is the time of day, coupled with location. When I convert to BW, I use channel mixer first, then adjust some with levels, and last I use curves to fine-tune. It varies how much of this is necessary. This shot has no dodging or burning, but sometimes I do a little of that as well, just to push the darks and highlights where I want them to be enhanced. In "Youth" and "Magical Thinking II" I also used a layer of white to create the haze in the background. This is to enhance DOF without blur...a little technique I made up. I create a layer of white, then draw the opacity way down. Next, I use eraser tool to remove what I don't want (which is most the layer). The tool is used at different opacities to create the variation I desire. Hope this helps answer your questions. This may be more than you wanted to know...lol. Antonia.
delete my account
{K:3679} 1/22/2005
VEry very nice! But how did you do this? The lightning is soo perfect.. I tried the woods too but my shots didnt become good, they just hadn't it.. But your wood shots are incredible! I just was curious how you did it.
Best wishes abel
Chad Parish
{K:6440} 1/21/2005
Stunning piece, wonderful as always Toni!
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 1/18/2005
A pleasure for the eyes and take me to the dream... Congrats Toni !!
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 1/18/2005
And with such a lovely model, you need to keep her happy with you, she is a pretty bird Margaret
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 1/17/2005
Fantastic Toni, love the composition and the toning - you are correct, the placement of her arms really do look like limbs from the tree :-)
Excellent photograph, you never cease to amaze :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Craig Beckman
{K:422} 1/17/2005
you can spot this one from a mile away..I love the style of these pictures! great composition as well as the capture. Nice work Toni
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 1/16/2005
spectacular...excellent view for magic photo..surrealistic and fantastic shot for excellent tone...tanke for comment a my shot...hello a soon ...
Ana Martins
{K:5643} 1/15/2005
another great picture, Toni, of a mystical world :) Very, very nice! Ana
Rona K **
{K:2375} 1/15/2005
Toni, this is awesome. I love your sense of creativity. She did good by getting in the tree. That tree looks like it is swallowing her. Kind of scary like a fairy tale. Good stuff and great imagination. Good for Rachel also. Wish I could get my kids to do more for me!! Rona
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 1/15/2005
Excellent, as always!
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 1/15/2005
Fantastic pretty model,and excellent shot,congrats!!! Best regards.
{K:8878} 1/15/2005
excellent composition and perfect tone...
{K:42404} 1/15/2005
Hola Tony, yo diria que es un bello angel, salusa a Rachel y a Sarah de parte mia esta es una bellisima composición de un perfecto color B&W, felicitaciones y que Dios te bendiga. PS: Dile a Rachel que tambien me gusta mucho su vestido
Paco Ferrer
{K:8586} 1/15/2005
Pretty indeed, and magic too!!!
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 1/15/2005
Very nice. This shot needs to win something.
{K:61359} 1/15/2005
Very nice capture Toni. This tree is absolutely fantastic!! Is is the same that one can see on you other image? I love it :). The way you captured Rachel, hanging from the limbs gives the impression that her arms are young branches growing on the limbs. This is a really nice composition Toni Congrats Fabrice
Toya Heatley
{K:-194} 1/15/2005
You have some amazing trees where you are Toni, just perfect for climbing and very good for the style of photos you shoot. I am envious!
Astrianto Setiawan
{K:199} 1/15/2005
nice Imaging...i like the color...warm
Fadel J
{K:13974} 1/15/2005
Another fine image of yours Toni, masterfully toned! you have a great and cooperative model!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 1/15/2005
Very well done Toni. I like the natural feel about it.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 1/15/2005
Excellent and very interesting.
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 1/15/2005
I like this one a lot. Your style is unique. When I browse through the thumbnails I can immediately spot a photo from you :)
In Transit
{K:29432} 1/15/2005
A fine ruffled bird... by any name...
Being a digi... suppose that some PS fiddling could be justified...
Wonder whether the contrast levels upon arms of the PYT should be adjusted... to more separate from the branches in the rear... or visa versa...