Michele Beccia
{K:16550} 1/7/2004
Good the choice of blue, good prospective. :)
Gary Auerbach
{K:3935} 2/1/2003
Nice cyanotype. Good exposure and good print. I am an alt process buff....Good job! I would like to see more of your work.
Victor Ginzburg
{K:53} 5/3/2002
I love it, where is it?
Miles .
{K:896} 4/29/2002
Thanks for the link David, and for the health warning. That stuff seems pretty lethal.... but it makes very good pictures.. will look up the link later. Miles
David N. VanMeter
{K:552} 4/29/2002
Miles, in order to keep use of server space down I reference the following article for a brief expanataion of Pyro: http://www.phototechmag.com/previous-articles/nov99-chem/nov99-chem.htm I will point out one thing the article does not stress well enough. Pyro is deadly and precautions need to be taken when using it. I splashed some on my arm once and could taste it in my mouth about 90 seconds later as it was absorbed into the skin. There is also theories that it causes Parkinson's disease if you are not careful with it.
With regard to the cyanotype printing process I reference this web site: http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~c.j.ball/formulae1.html It gives a brief explanation of how it works
Koen B
{K:3279} 4/29/2002
Cyanotype prints are blue.
Miles .
{K:896} 4/28/2002
David, both of these photographs are really cool and different. Pyro developed? I have not heard of that process. Is the blue tone the result of the process pyro process or you toned it as well?
I think the blue tone suits the subject matter too.
Koen B
{K:3279} 4/28/2002
Great shot, especially the converging lines ! The blue as wel as the shadows falling of the wall on the right accentuate the cruelty of the scene.
David N. VanMeter
{K:552} 4/27/2002
Grainy appearance is a combination of the paper I use and the crappy scanner I own. Actual image is not grainy.
{K:354} 4/27/2002
great shot david. i like the angle. its looks pretty grainy though. dont know how the 8x10 usually looks like, but your 100 film should be ok. is it just me? also, 45 apertture! dang, crazy