David N. VanMeter
{K:552} 8/13/2002
Thanks everyone for your comments. I am wholly aware of the horizon tilt as this was a "shoot from the hip" situation. This is the proof and I figured some day when I got a better print made by a good lab I would get that problem fixed. This is the only picture that really worked because after this the swans moved off and had their heads under water feeding. I do agree that cropping from the right would be an interesting idea.
Larry Edwards
{K:843} 8/12/2002
I agree with Kenneth that this is a really neat composition. The only thing I would change is getting rid of the horizon tilt -- something I see a lot in otherwise fine photos, and I that I find quite distracting (but I'll also note that this topic has come up before, and a lot of people aren't bothered by it at all).
Kenneth Kwan
{K:3084} 8/12/2002
Beautiful lighting situation here. The composition is excellent. The two swans forming a dynamic balance, taking the eyes around the frame and deep into the back of the shot. A couple of nitpicky things. I would prefer the farther swan to me a little more to the right. Or, crop a little of that side. The clouds are wonderful and can make a great shot themselves. But here, their seem a little too dominant.

000 000
{K:1471} 8/12/2002
This one is also very beautiful.