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Dad's Workshop
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Image Title:  Dad's Workshop
Favorites: 1 
 By: Sally Morgan  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Sally Morgan  Sally Morgan {Karma:9219}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D200
Categories Panoramic
At Work
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Lens Nikon  10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye
Uploaded 11/26/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 931 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/6.8
Critiques 19 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  Preston
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About It's not photographic genius (or even competence) - but dad's workshop is a sight to behold - and I was at a lose end!
Can anyone tell me what the workflow is to do a HDR panorama - which bit do you do first (the HDR or the panorma)?
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There are 19 Comments in 1 Pages
Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/24/2007
stunning dear sally.. stunning!


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 3/10/2007
Hi Martin - I've slapped my wrists for not getting back to you sooner - I do apologise!
The Photoshop HDR can be found:

File >> Automate >> Merge to HDR


Martin Halley   {K:580} 3/5/2007
Hi Sally,
You've been having lots of fun! This looks much like my son's bedroom after he's "tidied" it up.

HDR: For what it is worth, I always get everything done in the basic, single shots first as the stitching often requires a bit of "bending" and once that's done adding in the "extras" can be a nightmare. I've not used PhotoShop's HDR - where have they hidden it?

Kindest regards.



Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 1/8/2007
The panorama was a good choice here. It really gives the feel of cramped quarters.


fokstrot . fokstrot .   {K:6560} 12/22/2006
Ha! Really fantastic work!
An idea is on 7 for me.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 12/22/2006
Wow Sally. Can't say more than has already been said . . . besides, just LOOKING at the photo here kinda' makes me tired! LoL!

Season's best Wishes,
Doyle I <~~~~~


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 12/17/2006
Jeez, and then i just cleaned my whole desk .. had to take a picture first too .. haha .. Peter


John Beavin John Beavin   {K:4477} 12/12/2006
Sally, we would appreciate a few days notice of the date of the garage sale. I was always taught to think kiss when composing an image, but stupid or not, this one works well.congrats.


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 12/5/2006
Lex, under the photo is a link that says 'click HERE' to see the image full size.
Or at least there is for donors :)


L B.   {K:13965} 12/5/2006
hello, wonderfull panoramic shot! its not to big, but it is a sight you don;t want to miss! ill bet you can find everything you need in there, if you'll look long enough :) good job

cheers, lex.


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 12/5/2006
Thank you for your help.

Spring never reaches the cellar...


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 12/5/2006
Wohaa! To bad it's a few month until spring cleaning.

I would do it manualy, Stich the panos first and then layer in the seperate exposures and mask em in where you like. I not fond of PS Auto HDR engine.


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 12/3/2006
Thanks for the detailed reply Frank - I was afraid the answer would be to try both ways!
And, thank you for the link - it's an interesting site.


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 12/3/2006
I'm glad you enjoyed it - this is just one room of many - you should see the greenhouse!


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 11/28/2006
Sally- this is one of the best and most amusing "takes" I have seen in a long time. Besides well executed you have captured the clutter of a truly devious and (dis?)organized mind. Your Dad may know where everything is!!!!!!
I believe there are neatniks and stack managers and I doubt that the neatniks can find anything faster than stack managers. However, the clutter you portray here may tax even the most avid and talented stack manager. This is so amazing. I thought I was a cluttered stack manager until I saw this photo. Now, after looking at my workshop, I think I may have reclassified myself. Nothing compares to this.
Thanks so much for this thought provoking entertainment. :)
--Best to you, Jan


Frank Millard   {K:-105} 11/28/2006
Use Panotools for panorama; I assume you are bracketing each shot of pano; I would try blending both ways -- on each pano shot and on the stitched pano -- see which looks best. If you use two shot bracketing then manual blending is a powerful tool; if you use more then try something like Photomatix; If you use PS CS2 then merge to hdr and convert to 16 bits using local adaptation -- you may need LAB adjustments to get good color w/PS HDR.

Always use aperture priority when bracketing so DOF remains constant.

Go to, where you can find very helpful and sufficiently technical tutorials on manual blending.


brian underdown brian underdown   {K:-960} 11/26/2006
blimey steptoe and son comes to mind !! you say its not genius but its an impressive finished kind of can look at it for hours to find things. dont know anything about hdr so i cant comment on that.good to see you doing stuff again.brian


Sally Morgan Sally Morgan   {K:9219} 11/26/2006
Everything is hidden in there.
I was looking for a small spanner the other day - and could I find one? Not a chance!


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 11/26/2006
No idea, but the answer's probably hidden here somewhere - looks like everything else is!





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