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Texas Spider Mite
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Image Title:  Texas Spider Mite
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nelson Moore [Kes] -   
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Nelson Moore [Kes] -   Nelson Moore [Kes] -   {Karma:20241}
Project #6 Minimal Depth of Field Camera Model Nikon D80
Categories From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikon DX 18-55mm
Uploaded 10/4/2006 Film / Memory Type sandisk
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 886 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 23 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
About heh heh

The tarantulas here are on the move at this time of the year. This one was crossing the road so I stopped and gave it a ride. My kids have little bug cages and that was it's home for a couple of days. We fed it a cricket, gave it some water, and only charged it a few dollars. I turned it loose this evening.

I've heard that they don't usually bite people...but they have quite a set of what looked like fangs. Fangs! Dang! I should have got a shot of those suckers!

My wife didn't really care for this critter...


ISO 100
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Nelson Moore [Kes] -


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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 12/8/2006
Hi Kes,excellent nature shot.Very nice colours and details.I hope it was harmless for you all!!;)


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/8/2006
Thanks, Mary! Yes, no harm done!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/8/2006
Hi Doyle, thanks! That's a great shot you have! Your spider has some interesting color markings.


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/8/2006
Oh, and thanks for the visit, Ray!!!!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/8/2006
heh heh, well, all that and something like 300 days of sunshine a year, so it isn't all bad! :)

"Healthy respect" is a good thing for the kids to learn....


while taking turns with the camera

Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/8/2006
Hi Andre -
I believe that our area is part of some greater desert. We might get 16 inches of precipitation (rain, snow) per a very wet year. However, habitats change rapidly with the equally rapid elevation changes. I'm right on the edge of an alpine valley that drops off into a rocky canyon lands. It's a nice place, but like everywhere, more people all the time.

The Texans used to think they owned the state until the Californians bought them out! Ha!



Mary Slade   {K:40338} 10/5/2006
So close and so colourful Kes! I hope it was harmless for you all.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 10/5/2006
Ouch . . . the link messed up . . .

Doyle I <~~~~~


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 10/5/2006
Great shot Kes . . . I love these guys!! I have a shot of one on my granddaughter's head you might enjoy ( Like you . . . we have respect for all these creatures . . . and the fangs on the tarantulas are shiny, black and long! LoL! and sharp. And venemous. but . . . how cool they are!!! Well done . . . nice work!

Doyle I <~~~~~


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 10/5/2006
I have news for you Kes.....I belong to the same club as your wife:) :) Excellent nature shots, this and the attachment. I have just read your mini list of other delightful creatures, black widows etc......Well seen and taken and it's great to note that your kids are raised not to fear these things. Well done dear friend. My very best wishes to you as always.....Ray:)


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 10/5/2006
Hi Kes,
It shows you how much I know... I just assumed they were desert, or tropical critters. It must be because of all those cheesy adventure movies when they show them falling out of trees. Always on some knock-out starlet in a slinky tank top. :)


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/5/2006
Hi Andre, yes, this is in Colorado! :) Every year at about this time they "migrate", or at least can be seen crossing roads. I don't know if they are looking to hole-up for the winter, or what!


Joćo F * Photography Joćo F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/5/2006
Very well captured image dear Kes , well done !!rgs


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 10/5/2006
Terric shot my friend,excellent point view.



Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 10/5/2006
Hi Kes,
Great shot of this little monster. For some reason I thought you lived in Colorado. I guess not :) They don't have these in Colorado... do they?
We don't have anything near the size of tarantulas here in Ontario. We do have some pretty ugly dock spiders that get to be a bit bigger than a silver dollar. Ugly as sin.


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/5/2006
Hi Renato! oh, I'm not all that keen on these bugs either! It was just an unusual subject and so I took the opportunity to get a few shots.

I'll try to take a look at your older images while you are away.



Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 10/4/2006
It's always amazing how this little creature could be so well known. Very good capture, my friend, and be careful :)


Renato Haber Renato Haber   {K:7328} 10/4/2006
Great shot, Kes!
But pleeeeease not spiders for me... :)

Wishing you all the best,

ps: these days I will be away from UF, but be back soon. See you around the pictures. :)


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/4/2006
Oh, thanks so much, Robert! This is just a fun shot...sort of a "dark" subject, but just playing around a little here.
All the best my friend,


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 10/4/2006
Very nice colours and details, I prefer the second
shot. "Tarantula on my foot" titled one, but I do not
like the spiders, this one is impressive creature.
Thanks for your great story for this shots, well
captured and presented. Well done dear my friend.

Have a nice day dear Kes,


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/4/2006
Thanks Alicia! The tarantulas don't "bug" me to is the Black Widow spiders, the rattlesnakes, and the scorpions that are a real pain!


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 10/4/2006
Qué valiente eres Kes!!! Puedo llegar a morir si me encuentro con una y ponerla en mi pie??? Brrrrrrr...
La captura excelente, un macro estupendo!
Felicitaciones por el coraje y por la foto!!!


Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/4/2006
When set down in the yard, Mr. Spider headed west. I was laying on the ground in front of it with it crawling right up to the lens. When it got too far away, I would let it crawl on my foot and then walk back to the better lit area of the yard.


for scale



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