Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/26/2005
Hi Kathy yes I did it was fine on the color but as soon as it was changed to B/W or sepia it come up exposed more, Oh well it gives me something to do I have never manipulated my photos It's all a learning curve to me, I'll work it our thanks anyway..Tracey
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 7/26/2005
Hi again, Tracey, I feel silly even saying this, because you are a much better photographer than I am, but have you tried lassoing the younger boys face in PS and darkening it up a bit? Might solve the problem of the different skin tones. Just a thought! Kathy
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/25/2005
Hi Kathy thanks for commenting, and no I'm not sure on the overexposure there was no flash used. The older boy is very pale and his face was always comeing up light and the mother dark (proberly makeup) this time it was the baby, so I can't change the apeture or she is to dark maybe someone else might know this, anyway thanks again. Tracey
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 7/25/2005
Hi Liz thanks and yes still going away Saturday back August 8th, hopefully I'll have some photos as I'm running out fast, don't have the time lately.. Tracey
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 7/25/2005
Hi Tracey, It surprises me, but I actually like the color shot better. Maybe it's the overexposure in the b & w that you mentioned. I've had that same thing happen...do you have any idea why? Love you work, Tracey! Kathy
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 7/25/2005
Cool Trace...I like this one a lot...reminds me of my boys when they were smaller. :) You still going away????