Martin .
{K:24957} 5/13/2006
When I come to Aussie Land for my photo trip I'll look you up. You could teach me a thing, or two I'm sure.
See you soon,
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 5/13/2006
Thanks Marty my 2 loves also are guns and cameras and I can show over 100yrds with windage etc so one day we might have a shoot out haha take care Trace..
1301307 60
{K:44058} 5/12/2006
very nice angle of shot, you can see the barrel of the gun pointing to the target. very good composition, the arm to the gun then to the target, thats the way my eyes follow this composition. nice one Tracey!
Johancharles Boers
{K:4370} 5/12/2006
Great angle on this one...you can see what is going on and what he is shooting at.
Best Wishes, Chuck
Martin .
{K:24957} 5/12/2006
You’re not a mere Female, but a real woman. Nuff Said!
I'll use my hand gun for this challenge and still outshoot the both of you at 25 yards? LMAO… I just don't know which hand to use, my right, or left since I use both… (I'm right handed) No wonder it’s so hard, as you have to hit 1 target per second, while using a long gun? Not to mention using a scope!
When using a long gun, I only shoot left handed. A bit of a handicap, but I work with it… Still at 25 yards, you are stealing time by using a scope… Natural instinct and basic gun handling should prove better times and more accurate shots at a closer range…
You see a gun is a natural extension of your body. Take your hand and point your forefinger at a target without thinking and you will be dead on! You should practice shooting a gun the same way. Just point your weapon quickly without thinking and you will be dead on. That is short ranges of 25 yards, or less.
Longer ranges, of course require at the very least a prop of some sort. Not to mention proper breathing techniques and all. I’m not a Sharp Shooter, so I have no advice regarding long range. Anything over 100 yards and I’m lost…
Sorry to ramble on, but the 2 things I love is guns and cameras,
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 5/12/2006
Hey Marty this was a posed shot after I beat him so I don't put people of and yes I'm a mere female, it was 25yards to hit the 30 targets 3 inches round in 30 seconds a bit hard sometimes when your rifle is not sited, I don't need a scope either I'll take you on oneday Lol...hehe I do love a challenge..
Martin .
{K:24957} 5/12/2006
Wonderful clairity, detail, cropping, DOF and composition my friend. I think you through him off by his knowing someone was taking a photo of him, while he was shooting.
I'm not saying your bad, but I could out shoot both of you using open metal sites using a brush gun. Scopes are for girls. Oh, I forgot you are a girl... I'm a "TEXAN"... ;)
Just how many meters are you shooting at? Make that yards, so a dumb Texan, would understand... LOL ...
Well done sweety,
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 5/11/2006
good choice of perspective shooting from behind the person with the gun. Great exposure and detail.
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 5/11/2006
Thanks Marcio..
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 5/11/2006
Thanks John I wish I had the looks to put them off I'd win all the time that would be great I guess I'll have to stick with being lucky Lol have a good day Tracey..
John Segon-Fisher
{K:2580} 5/11/2006
Excellent perspective Tracey and congratulations or, maybe you put him off? LOL
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 5/11/2006
Nice shot good shot |°|