I love the original photo just as much. So much is conveyed through lit candles and the anticipation of a wish here, along with the joys of a birthday and party.
Although I did have quite a few psychology courses, my emphasis was in childhood development and the ways they learn. I used it towards a teaching profession until my first child was born and have been home with the kids ever since.
This is our first, but hopefully not last meeting on the pages of "Usefilm", Ms. Harris. I opened your web-page, read your bio there and on this site and looked through your portfolio, in which I met, among other things, a BIP. I must say that having seen the photos on your website I was not surprised. From all your excellent photos I finally opted to comment on this one, simply because it was the last photo you posted and hence the first one I saw and liked what I saw. I read in your bio on your website that you had studied human growth and that made me wonder if you might also be interested in psychoanalysis. I wrote a book on the subject called "Dialogues with schizophrania - the Art of Psychotherapy." Despite its name, the book was written with the interested non mantal-health professional also in mind. You may see it on www.drspringmann.com on which site the important issues to be paid attention to are Dr. Joyce Mc Dougall's preface (she is a leading figure in the psychoanalytic community) and the story of Adam, the first schizphrenic patient whose psychotherpy is described in the book. In case you would like to read it, please send an e mail to rafael1930@bezeqin.net with "usefilm, your book" in the subject line and I'll gladly send you the book (1.02 MB) at no cost to you. Quite a few "Usefilm" friends have received the book from me in this manner and so far there have been no complaints. You are, of course, invited to read my bio and pay further visits to my portfolio. In the meantime I thank you for your kind comment on my "Triple celebration 3." As you asked to see this photo in the original, I attach it here. Best regards, Dr. Rafael (Rafi for future communications) Springmann