Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 4/11/2005
Thanks Memo and Cheryl - the cemetery is located in Tennessee, a few miles north of the Mississippi line.
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 4/11/2005
I love this - great work with not OVER posting processing as I have trouble with that myself. Very well done with the use of 3rds too. I think you are right about the color - the sun burst in not interesting in B&W and gives the shot charector. Thanks for your comments elsewhere.
Memo Rogers
{K:731} 4/10/2005
This is a truely great shot, Everything works, the statue in the foreground and the softness of the trees and sun in the back. Where is this cemetary?
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 4/10/2005
Thanks Dirck! That looks much better. I will certainly work on the cloning. I actually just "discovered" that tool this week. I will try it out smaller and see what all I can do with it - thanks again!
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 4/10/2005
Oops, I'd meant to attach this!
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 4/10/2005
Hey Andrea, I think that if you increase the brush size it would actually show the differences more! I still think that the clone brush is the way to go, but it'll take some work. How do you use the clone tool? Do you click on a 'source' spot then drag the mouse? Is your source as close as possible to what you're cloning over? When I use it, I usually use about a 95% opacity, set the brush small - about 20 pixels, sometimes 10, then pick a close source spot and do a *single* click over a part of what I want to cover (no dragging.) I then repeat the process, usually with a new source for each click, and just keep nibbling away until it's all gone. It can be tedious, but well worth the time! If you like, you can send me an e-mail and I'd be glad to show you step-by-step: dirckdf@yahoo.com. Sorry if this is stuff you already know! :)
Fabrizio Fiorucci
{K:4871} 4/10/2005
This is an exceptional shot, light balancing is really well done (and hard to achieve). 7 and favourite.
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 4/10/2005
Thanks for y'alls wonderful comments! Very helpful. Steven - the cemetery is on the south side of Collierville, near Mississippi. It has some very interesting statues. Dirck - I have some other photos from here that I really like but the telephone wires are very distracting (more so than in this photo). I tried cloning but the shades of gray in the sky were too different. I tried pushing and it looked like it was different color grays too. I didn't think about increasing the clone brush size, I might try that and see if the different shades are less noticeable - any other advice for making the wires disappear? I haven't tried it with this picture, but I'd like to on the others where the lines are more prominent. Thanks again!
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 4/10/2005
I think you did a terrific job with this, Andrea! Had you exposed for the statue, the sun would have blown out completely and the trees would be lost in the glare. As you did here, you can always pull details from darker areas, but a blown hightlight is blown for good! You could also have exposed as you did, then use built-in flash, set to 'fill flash' and probably gotten this same effect, but with a bit more detail in the statue. The only thing I think I would do is to clone out the wire that runs along the bottom of the image. This is an excellent composition with a great mystical feeling to it - you've got a great eye, Andrea!
Elisabeth D'Amico
{K:6674} 4/10/2005
Very very noce. This atmospher touches the hearts. Eli:-))
steven carter
{K:2140} 4/10/2005
very nice job. I have had problems with exposure too. Maybe try spot metering, I know the handbook with the D 70 has something about it. I think it is where you meter off of an object then hold down the exposure button to lock it in and then compose the shot. I am not sure but I know that is something I need to work on with the camera. ALso, on anonther site i post, someone told me to underexpose and then do like you did and bring out the details from dodging or fill flash like you did. Where is Magnolia Cemetery? I have gone to Elmwood off Lamar a few times.
pierre lapointe
{K:-116} 4/10/2005
I think you did a great job by the use of the fill because they are pretty much in the same pallet.this is a very nice picture and very appropriate of what we just whitness.love the mood,very peacefull.