Mamiya Super 23 Press camera 160 Portra Two shots combined both about f3.5 and 1/15 second, window & incandescent light (I think), scan from a small 3x5 print, combined in LView, converted, cropped, & brightness/contrast changes in Picasa2, cleaned up, scaled, and sharpened in Gimp.
Kes my friend i keep this beautiful camera and not go spend millions on a 5d or D200(never beat this std23)this photograph are amazing i prefer this one on the std23 series!!keep on my friend !! cheers joão
Well, you've got my respect in these matters, so I'll have to give that a try.
In my opinion, the portrait here of the girl is much better than that of the boy. The sad look, the tilted head, the doll...all take away from the boy. She's got a prop, he doesn't stand a chance!!! Your suggestion of her in B&W and him in color might balance things out. And render their individuality.
Speaking of experiments, the crops & positioning of the kids are slightly different in this shot and the color shot. However, I suppose it's the saturated colors in the other version that grabs most eyes...mine included.
Do you think a hair light should have been used?
Yep, they are separate photos. I thought the lighting "error" would show up more. They are both taken in the same place, so in my mind the lighting should appear "off" on one or both of them. That is, the light source is the same distance from both of them.
Thanks so much for your insight! I have a B&W that really grabs they eye better, but again, of a lesser quality (IMO) because of it has the blown-out whites as in the color version.
Funny thing, they were fascinated by it all. After we finished up, they got a blanket and hung it up to make a backdrop. Then got their dolls and stuffed animals and set them in some small chairs in front of their backdrop. The boy had his stuff on one side, the girl on the other, and they took photos with their play cameras. I got that on film also - memories for Mom & Dad.
Hi Kes, As mentioned in the colour version of this one, There really is an "old time" element to these images. Very original! I think your earlier image "Girl With Doll" is better exposed and toned than these two. The white shirt has been mentioned as a problem, but it seems not too bad in the B&W version. Obviously the colour version pops out at people a little more than this one, So it will get more views and comments. But I agree with you that this one is the better over-all image. Andre