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Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/12/2007 4:42:00 AM

Excellent Pano Gary! Love the colors on the water!
Uploading a panoramic shot here in UF is a bit tricky. You'll need to downsize the files individually and then stitch together so that you can make a larger image for uploading. Then it will show as a really long panoramic image.
        Photo By: Gary Sprowls  (K:36)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/11/2007 6:12:07 AM

Hi Yamil!
Happy New Year, hope you and the family and a nice holiday! Love the detail you captured here. Technically good image as always.

Take Care!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/11/2007 6:09:07 AM

There's certainly a message with your photo, the cemetery against the dramatic clouds. I'd suggest however to use a tripod so you can carefully compose and also avoid the blur. Horizon also needs to be straight. Hope you don't mind my tip.
        Photo By: michael carrozza  (K:1425)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/11/2007 6:04:23 AM

I like this image! Very creative approach to a portrait. The eyes convey a lot with this image. Framing her against the profile of another person works well.
        Photo By: elizabeth Blair  (K:2202)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/5/2007 3:22:27 AM

Hi Avi,
Congrats on the award! It is well deserved, very good image!!! I also like the processed effect for your image.

BTW, Happy New Year to you and the Family! We're currently in the Philippines, on my last 3 days here :-( heading back on Monday. Family stays on while I head back. Hope to start posting again and commenting, have a very sloow connection here.

Take care!
        Photo By: Avi    (K:70138) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 6:18:43 AM

Hi Janet,
This is a fantastic shot! Count me in, I'm drooling and hoping to get a shot like this.... Very well done!!!!!
        Photo By: Janet Wechter  (K:2935)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 6:16:35 AM

I love this idea Kes! Very creative approach in overlaying the two images.
        Photo By: Nelson Moore [Kes] -    (K:20241)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 6:13:34 AM

I have to agree, the composition is unique, but it is a powerful image.
I wish you had given some description on what was happening here...
Excellent shot nonetheless!
        Photo By: Jesus Alfonso  (K:554)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 6:10:46 AM

Hi Robbie,
I have to say all the elements in this image really convery peace and tranquility - the cool hue, the peaceful water, the light fog, very well seen and captured! Well done as always!!
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 5:57:51 AM

Congratulations on this well deserved award Ale!
It is really a stunning image, i love the details of the valley as well as the clouds! Very well done my friend!
        Photo By: Alessandro Capelli  (K:34805)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 5:52:40 AM

Very good use of framing, and capturing him with the arch! The rock formations in the distance nicely add to your composition!
        Photo By: Roland Lacson  (K:12214)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 4:48:09 AM

Hi Christine, I hope you had a good shoot today, it was good to finally meet you! Excellent flight image, your efforts are paying off! Great job!
        Photo By: C.A.  Mikulice  (K:13300)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 2:43:09 AM

Very Nice Shirley! I tried shooting a friend's wedding and maybe it was the dark church, but I got frustrated pretty fast. This is what makes a good wedding photograph, capturing the bride's joy on film. Well done!
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 2:40:58 AM

Oooh, very nice Alicia! I like your composition and the exposure.
The DOF is just right around the flower - bringing out the tiny fibers, very clean background. Well done!
        Photo By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 2:34:45 AM

Simple image, but very good composition! I love the colors, lines and shape you captured! This would make a very good art decor!
        Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin  (K:164501) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 2:32:42 AM

Hi Nacho, I like how you framed the tower with the building to the right and left, it is very good composition. This series of yours showcases the grandeur of this place. You've done this place justice! Well done!
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/25/2006 2:30:15 AM

Hi Doyle, I like this shot from your series because it conveys the smooth flowing movements of a ballet without actually showing the children... There is rhythm and line that makes this a very good composition, lighting is excellent as well. Well done! I see you shot this at 1600 ISO, I've gotten over the noise and shoot 3200 as needed and I just "clean it" after...
        Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/22/2006 11:17:40 PM

Ha ha ha! Well, there are people who prefer to look at images from right to left - or i guess it's just me... I'm still working on the other image, still helping to get the family ready for their trip. Rather than flipping it, i'm switching the last image and first image... But need to work on the originals. I'll call you later when I get out of the airport...
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/22/2006 8:35:59 PM

Hi Hugo,
After thinking about your comment, you are right! I didn't think to flip this image in PS. I had posted the original image as I had shot it from my location on the stadium. The ring was on the left so the movement towards the ring was from right to left. Didn't realize I could fix this on PS...

I'll repost the flipped image. Again, thanks for the comment! It is much appreciated.

        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/20/2006 3:52:34 PM

Hi Robbie, thanks for the message. Sorry I had not gotten back to you on this earlier.
Here are my thoughts on the two 400 mm lenses I was looking at :

Tokina 400mm 5.6
+ very light, short, easy to handhold for long periods.
+ ideal for hiking
+ excellent for landscape shots and macro use with extension tubes
+ very good with flare control - you can shoot directly at the sun and get minimal to no flares

- no focus limiter switch, this is a bummer for birds in flight as you know, you loose a lot of shots when this lens hunts (MA asks me if I'm a hunter or a photographer...LOL)
- doesn't do well for objects against bright light (i.e. birds in flight) - images tend to have significant chromatic abberations - those purple and dark spots)
- because of the aperture 5.6, it's best used at high ISO
- no VR, no internal motor, but the screw driven AF is still quicker than equivalent Nikon
- just sold this lens, you can get this used in the $200-250 range.

Sigma 400mm 5.6 (this lens)
+ relative to Tokina, it is longer and heavier, but still very good for handholding, AF a bit slower than Tokina maybe because of the bigger glass.
+ 77mm as opposed to Tokina's 72mm
+ it has a focus limiter switch - but AF is still slower than the Tokina IMO.
+ very good for landscapes and static objects.
+ less CA (compared to Tokina) but can get soft in poor light handheld

- just ok for birds in flight, i'm at 800-1000 ISO to get the shutter speed (similar to tokina).
- you can get sharp images only in very good light (like this image above), otherwise it is soft
- in cloudy conditions, this will probably still work at ISO 3200 but you'll loose the detail due to the noise..
- i'm keeping this lens until I have enough guts to tell the wife I'm getting a $5K lens (switch to canon 400mm IS DO or nikon 200-400mm F4)... LOL
- you can get this used in the $400-450 range

I have used the 300mm AFS with 1.4X (same as what you have), but did not like the TC just to get to 400mm, the Sigma 100-300mm F4, same thing, you need a TC to get to 400mm, the Nikon 80-400mm - very good quality compared to above lenses, but just tooo slooow....

Hope this helps Robbie- i think you can go with any lens for your bird shots and evaluate based on the images. The Tokina maybe a good start- you can sell it for same price as you bought it for... Good luck!
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 2:16:20 PM

Hey marcus... hmm tough choice both great photographs, it would depend if you like a warm or cool background for this really hot or really cool bird LOL! excellent exposure on your duck.
but i think i like the blue water. tried getting up early to hit TI/BB, i'm kinda in the middle, it's 630am and kinda late to leave.....
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 7:04:25 AM

Excellent capture of patterns in nature, you can also see the C and S curves all through out.
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 7:01:49 AM

The colors reminds me of Klimt's paintings. Very good eye and composition, you turned an otherwise cluttered image into a strong photograph by using the tree trunk as a good anchor for the autumn leaves and separating the green from the warm tones.
I'm learning just by oberving your techniques Shirley! Well done!
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 6:56:43 AM

Amazing creativity and imagination! And to think you shoot with film and can play around and produce excellent composites such as these. Imagine what you can do with digital... Excellent work Shirley!!!
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 6:52:57 AM

The finish and the composition gives this a very mysterious feel. I like it! Well done Shirley.
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 6:50:47 AM

Hi Shirley,
I like the curves and the lines that you captured on this flower! I have to say it is an excellent abstract! VEry well composed and well seen.
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174169) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 4:24:38 AM

Did you have your bike with you? Or maybe it was someone else. I saw someone with the same gear as you this morning at Radio Road around 10:30ish when we (YS, MA and myself) met up this morning.

Talk about having a hard time getting close to these guys - YS and I used MA's boat this afternoon and tried to paddle near some migrants - long story short- we were not successful. Luckily we were able to paddle back to shore...
        Photo By: C.A.  Mikulice  (K:13300)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 4:15:52 AM

Wonderful silhouette Hesham! Very well composed image.
        Photo By: Hesham Abouzekry  (K:15927)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 4:15:03 AM

H.A., I actually like the humor you conveyed in this abstract! Very good use of framing technique to "ask" the question! As they say plastic makes the world go round.
        Photo By: Hesham Abouzekry  (K:15927)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/19/2006 3:45:11 AM

Excellent capture of one of the best artist of our generation! I hope to see PJ in concert. I like your treatment here! Very well done, good thing you got this close with your camera in hand!
        Photo By: Geno Bisoni  (K:81)

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