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Hawk Eye
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Image Title:  Hawk Eye
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 By: Jinggoy Montenejo  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Jinggoy Montenejo  Jinggoy Montenejo {Karma:7736}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Nikon D200
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Sigma 400mm 5.6
Uploaded 11/19/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1GB Ultra II
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 663 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 18 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  HMB
State -  CA
Country - United States   United States
About This is a close-up shot of this hawk from Yamil's shot while eating a snake :

ISO 800 (didn't have the benefit of VR or IS so had to crank up ISO)

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There are 18 Comments in 1 Pages
Mary Brown   {K:71879} 5/24/2007
Excellent. The details are wonderful. His pose for you is great.


KEVIN TEMPLE   {K:8657} 3/11/2007
greaqt detail great shot well done


Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 11/22/2006
Is this the hawk i was standing 2 feet away from with 3 photogrphers cameras pointed at us and not one pic??? LOL , looks great pefect detail and exposure... Yamil was eating a snake?


Janet Wechter   {K:2935} 11/21/2006
Great catch light. Nice exposure. I just viewed Yamil's snake shot. Great piece of work to all of you.


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 11/21/2006
Awesome review Jinggoy,thanks much appreciated.
Have a great Thanksgiving.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 11/20/2006
Jinggoy! Awesome my old friend. Stunning clarity. 7/7

Doyle I <~~~~~


Hesham Abouzekry   {K:15927} 11/20/2006
more of wonderful portrait & details.


Jinggoy Montenejo Jinggoy Montenejo   {K:7736} 11/20/2006
Hi Robbie, thanks for the message. Sorry I had not gotten back to you on this earlier.
Here are my thoughts on the two 400 mm lenses I was looking at :

Tokina 400mm 5.6
+ very light, short, easy to handhold for long periods.
+ ideal for hiking
+ excellent for landscape shots and macro use with extension tubes
+ very good with flare control - you can shoot directly at the sun and get minimal to no flares

- no focus limiter switch, this is a bummer for birds in flight as you know, you loose a lot of shots when this lens hunts (MA asks me if I'm a hunter or a photographer...LOL)
- doesn't do well for objects against bright light (i.e. birds in flight) - images tend to have significant chromatic abberations - those purple and dark spots)
- because of the aperture 5.6, it's best used at high ISO
- no VR, no internal motor, but the screw driven AF is still quicker than equivalent Nikon
- just sold this lens, you can get this used in the $200-250 range.

Sigma 400mm 5.6 (this lens)
+ relative to Tokina, it is longer and heavier, but still very good for handholding, AF a bit slower than Tokina maybe because of the bigger glass.
+ 77mm as opposed to Tokina's 72mm
+ it has a focus limiter switch - but AF is still slower than the Tokina IMO.
+ very good for landscapes and static objects.
+ less CA (compared to Tokina) but can get soft in poor light handheld

- just ok for birds in flight, i'm at 800-1000 ISO to get the shutter speed (similar to tokina).
- you can get sharp images only in very good light (like this image above), otherwise it is soft
- in cloudy conditions, this will probably still work at ISO 3200 but you'll loose the detail due to the noise..
- i'm keeping this lens until I have enough guts to tell the wife I'm getting a $5K lens (switch to canon 400mm IS DO or nikon 200-400mm F4)... LOL
- you can get this used in the $400-450 range

I have used the 300mm AFS with 1.4X (same as what you have), but did not like the TC just to get to 400mm, the Sigma 100-300mm F4, same thing, you need a TC to get to 400mm, the Nikon 80-400mm - very good quality compared to above lenses, but just tooo slooow....

Hope this helps Robbie- i think you can go with any lens for your bird shots and evaluate based on the images. The Tokina maybe a good start- you can sell it for same price as you bought it for... Good luck!


Robert Chin   {K:22282} 11/20/2006
Seemed you guys had a wonderful day shooting,excellent images all round.Will catch up later with all my back logs.
Excellent close up Jinggoy,the dof is very shallow thus bringing the eyes into prominence which is tack sharp.
How is this lens for in flight capture and the other one you were testing?
Sent the D70 to convert to IR but my compositionional skills will have to be at it`s peak for in flight capture,too bad I ain`t close by for some lessons!!!
Is this the lens
Take care


Geno Bisoni   {K:81} 11/20/2006
I would like to say thank for your comment on my photograph especially after I seen your portfolio that was quite a honor thank u have a great day


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 11/19/2006
WOW! Amazing! Great capture!
All the best!


Heath  Roberts   {K:289} 11/19/2006
beautiful picture great job.


Dan Wilson Dan Wilson   {K:21104} 11/19/2006
Great capture, lovely angle


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174169} 11/19/2006
Fantastic hawk portrait, Jinggoy!:)


Andrzej B. Andrzej B.   {K:2244} 11/19/2006
Very beautiful portrait of an amazing bird.


Yamil Saenz Yamil Saenz   {K:12434} 11/19/2006
Wowww Jinggoy,
The details are so amazing that I can perform a ocular fundus examination,LOL.
It's not very common to get that close from a Red-tailed Hawk, but this guy was very cooperative.
Take care buddy, I enjoyed shoting with You Marcus and Rich.


C.A.  Mikulice C.A.  Mikulice   {K:13300} 11/19/2006
marvelous shot, Jinggoy!



Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 11/19/2006
Wowwwwwwwwww!!! Qué mirada!
No te descuides!!!
Felcitaciones , un retrato excepcional!




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