Fred Lord
{K:4844} 11/28/2006
Christine: Lovely image. My wife and I love to watch Pelicans fly. They are so graceful in the air. On the ground, well… we still like them.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 11/26/2006
WoW ! excellent capture christine ! you got this one spot on for sure , a perfect moment frozen in time !! This is excellent ! 7+++ Best Wishes, Michele~
{K:79} 11/26/2006
!!!! Your photos (birds, landscapes and others) are very, very nice!!!!!!!!! Siloto
{K:26787} 11/26/2006
WOW, Christine ... this is truly something to be proud of! I can only dream of an achievement like this; birds in flight is such a challenging subject. Your patience has paid off ... gorgeous capture; congrats!
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 11/25/2006
Hi Christine, very nice capture of the brown pelican, the one flap down as they say, pose is very appealing, the nice blue watery background is a knockout! well done.. Hope you had a great day in HMB. Take care, Marcus.
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thanks, Jinggoy! I still blow more shots than I get right, but I'm learning to be more patient! It was nice finally getting to meet you guys today-- thanks for all of the help with my technique. I hope you all had success with your hawk shots this afternoon...
Hope to see you out there again some time in the future!
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 11/25/2006
Hi Christine, I hope you had a good shoot today, it was good to finally meet you! Excellent flight image, your efforts are paying off! Great job!
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thanks, Petal... you have no idea how many times I missed these guys as they shot by me. I'm glad to have finally captured one on... well, it's not film... compact flash card doesn't have the same ring to it, doesn't it?
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thank you, Bill-- not in the same class as any of you guys, but I'm trying!!
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thanks, Pablo!
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thanks for your comments, Darlene :)
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thanks, Jason :)
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 11/25/2006
Thank you for your comments on my photos, Alicia :)
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 11/25/2006
Qué linda!!! Ha posado para la foto!!! Un bellísimo ejemplar, excelentemente retratado! Felicitaciones!
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 11/24/2006
Fantastic capture CHristine colours and DOf are great and the focus is spot on well done
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 11/24/2006
And he's gorgeous!! Very beautifully captured and presented, love the action and your colors are wonderful! Take care my friend. Darlene
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 11/24/2006
Fantastic,great details.
bill smith
{K:5416} 11/24/2006
I think Yamil and Marcus well be very impressed. I know I am. Very well done Christine, Congrats, Bill
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 11/24/2006
Wow, great catch!! Super 'frozen in mid-air' shot!! Wonderful colors, DOF, details and composition... well captured!!