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Critiques From Steve Kaufman

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Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
11/27/2013 9:19:41 AM

Yes Matt, it took me 45 minutes just to shovel the snow off the top of the truck. We've spent two days clearing snow from our parking area, and have a full day left to clear a road which runs between our house and generator shed. The snow is too deep for our honda snowblower, so we have to use a shovel, and break up the snow to be able to use the snowblower.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
1/19/2010 5:07:05 PM

Hi Eric, there are two things which bother me about this photo. The fleshy colored area in the bottom left, and the white object in front of the bird. Both could easily be removed in post processing. You'd be surprised at the number of professional photographers who "clean up" their images, by removing any distracting elements. When I first saw people doing this, I objected, but since then, I find myself doing the same thing.
        Photo By: Eric Mok  (K:666)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
1/10/2010 6:01:13 PM

Dave, it's helps if when you post to the CC section, if you'd say what in particular you might want us to consider in making a critique of your image. But, IMO, I think this image might have been better shot as an horizontal image, with the bottom of the image being closer to the rocks. I don't think the subject material of the lower portion of your image is strong enough to make it a truly great image. While the open gravel does draw the eye to the sun in the clouds, I don't like the large area of ice in the bottom, as I don't think it has enough to it to be such a large percentage of the image.
        Photo By: Dave K  (K:-171) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
3/13/2008 1:37:24 AM

Thanks Yamil. I'm happy you had a good time, and I'm sorry I had to stay up north and not see you. Next trip, you'll have to spend time with us at our northern house, and work on loons and shorebirds nesting! Today I saw a bald eagle on Broad Pass of the Alaska Range eating an old caribou road kill. It's the first time I've seen a bald eagle here since last fall, as there really isn't much to eat here now, as there's still 6 feet of snow on the ground, and it will be a few months before there is open water on the rivers. They'll start nesting soon, to be ready to prey on fish and all the spring young of gulls, loons, and waterfowl that nest here.
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
2/4/2008 3:57:55 PM

Authur, you've got some very nice owl photos. Did you use bait to attract them?
        Photo By: Arthur Kornienko  (K:9686)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/6/2007 5:26:00 PM

Fantastic Yamil! I'm jealous of all your new images from Costa Rica! Is this near a feeder?
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
2/12/2007 4:51:41 PM

Thanks Paul. As a point in fact, this particular transparency was lost while at a printer for a puzzle manufacturing company. They said they'd sent it back to a magazine who wanted it. The magazine contended they never had it, though they did use the image. I finally gave up.......I did have a good scan of the photo.
        Photo By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
1/6/2007 3:25:45 PM

Dave, I've thoroughly enjoyed my days photographing Japanese Macaques. I've worked on them in other parts of the country, too, where they are more shy than at the hot springs. There, because they are so tame, I chose to use wide angle lenses when possible, but I also used a 500 to get action photos further away.
        Photo By: David Lockwood  (K:977)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
1/5/2007 4:37:26 PM

I envy you Dave. It's one of my favorite locations; I've been there 6 times, and have stayed at Kurokakan Inn (not sure of spelling?) each time. Enjoy, and keep warm!
        Photo By: David Lockwood  (K:977)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
1/5/2007 3:24:28 PM

Hi David: The macaques at this location are very approachable, as they see tens of thousands of people each year. Should you go back, I'd suggest using a lower camera angle so that you are more on the same level as the macaque rather than looking down upon it.
        Photo By: David Lockwood  (K:977)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
1/2/2007 4:54:02 PM

MarySue, when I saw this shot, I wondered why you didn't focus on the rim of the cup...... but I see you already realized that this shot is too soft in the places that really matter. I think I'd like to see the handle a bit sharper as well, or turn the cup so the handle is still visible, but obviously more in the background. As to the color of the liquid, if it were simply black coffee, you wouldn't be able to see the liquid very easily. This could be espresso with crema, or hot chocolate. You might consider trying to make the liquid hot enough to be steaming (most easily done if you can put the cup in a cool or cold place with very hot liquid). It's a nice idea, one that can be repeated easily. Keep playing with it, and I think you'll come up with some fun shots!
        Photo By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/31/2006 4:46:50 PM

Edgar, I really like the simplicity of this image. I've chosen it for a "Best in Project". Thanks for sharing your work with us!
        Photo By: Edgar Monzón  (K:827)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/25/2006 7:44:31 PM

Tanaka-san, I've photographed in Japan in the spring, summer, and winter, but I've never been there in the autumn. Your beautiful photos of Japan in autumn make me want to return to your nice country once again, but this time in the autumn.
        Photo By: Yoshiyuki Tanaka  (K:13580)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/23/2006 5:45:36 PM

Mr. Tanaka, I was inspired to look at your portfolio on usefilm after seeing a photo you posted on 12/23 ( titled "Melancholic Light". This photo, "looking up" is really beautiful. I've given you a "Staff's Choice" award, and also made this image "Best in Project". Thanks for sharing this with us!
        Photo By: Yoshiyuki Tanaka  (K:13580)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/21/2006 4:54:51 PM

Fred, pine grosbeaks, common redpolls, and pine siskins are our most common feeder birds here (we have two homes, one near Homer, the other in the Alaska range).
        Photo By: Fred Lord  (K:4844)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
12/21/2006 3:05:47 PM

Fred, we have hundreds of pine grosbeaks at our feeders summer and winter. They become tame enough to eat seeds from our hands. The fledged young sit around the feeders begging the adults for food.
        Photo By: Fred Lord  (K:4844)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
11/23/2006 12:59:00 PM

Marcus, I really like this image, so I've given you an SC. Hooded Mergansers are among my favorite duck species. Best wishes, and keep shooting!
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
9/5/2006 4:36:47 PM

Huh. You want to see dark, cloudy, foggy weather, Marcus, come for a visit! Right now it's raining, and at 8AM you'd need ASA 3200 to stop a bird in flight. This shot is spectacular Marcus. I've given you an SC.
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
9/4/2006 4:39:07 PM

Really nice Yamil!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
7/29/2006 3:37:05 PM

Very nice Yamil! It's worthy of a reward, but I'm not going to give you one this time, as too many people think I give awards to people who I favor...... Your work seems to keep getting better and better!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
7/26/2006 1:27:32 AM

I don't know how you tracked this dragonfly, but it gets a Staff's Choice Award from me. Thanks for shaing this with us!
        Photo By: carlo raingini  (K:11977)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
7/21/2006 2:22:02 AM

Yamil: we are doing OK. I'm in DC now taking care of my Dad who fell down and broke his hip... I'll be in DC until the end of this month. We wish you well, and hope that you will visit us in Alaska sometime soon!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
7/20/2006 10:09:14 PM

I haven't had much time to view images this summer, and the satellite internet service we use has been acting up, so I can't often even load usefilm pages. Nice shot Yamil!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
5/9/2006 5:03:04 PM

Really nice, Yamil! An SC from me.
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
4/18/2006 2:06:06 PM

Nice shot Yamil! Funny seeing both you and Marcus posting very similar shots of the same hawk!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
4/18/2006 2:04:56 PM

Pretty funny seeing the shot by you and Yamil! Both are nice. I'm going to have to come back down there someday! It certainly is a good area to photograph raptors!
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
4/12/2006 1:41:14 PM

Ann, I really liked this photo, but couldn't figure out the background color until I looked back into your portfolio and found another image of this bird with a red earth background. I like this well enough, that I'm giving you an SC. Keep up the good work, and enjoy your tropical paradise!
        Photo By: Ann  Van Breemen  (K:13399) Donor

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
4/11/2006 8:47:18 PM

Darlene, I like the image, but I think I would like to see it cropped above the leg. For me, that would be a stronger composition. My other tiny nit-pick is the out of focus branch which seems to be coming out of the back of it's head. You could easily fuz that out a bit more in PS if you wanted. All in all, its a beautiful photo.
        Photo By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
3/26/2006 8:58:03 PM

Jim, just came across this! It's great! Nice creation, very seamless.
        Photo By: Jim Goldstein  (K:21230)

Critique By: Steve Kaufman  (K:2748)  
3/26/2006 8:48:14 PM

How many birds had to die to make that feathered bolo? Where did you get so many california condor feathers? What do you want us to critique? The image is perfect, Phil.
        Photo By: Phillip Cohen  (K:10561) Donor

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