fokstrot .
{K:6560} 2/5/2007
Marvelous capture!
p e t a .
{K:18700} 1/18/2007
oh how beautiful! Great shot David - love the steam and your off center placement of the monkey.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 1/6/2007
Dave, I've thoroughly enjoyed my days photographing Japanese Macaques. I've worked on them in other parts of the country, too, where they are more shy than at the hot springs. There, because they are so tame, I chose to use wide angle lenses when possible, but I also used a 500 to get action photos further away.
John Hatz
{K:156973} 1/5/2007
At these cold days a good warm bath is the best! Excellent portrait and unique little monkey! Regards!
David Lockwood
{K:977} 1/5/2007
Steve, I looked at your portfolio, your shots from this location (and everywhere else too) are amazing! Monkey's must be one of the hardest animals to get a good shot of because their faces show such emotions.
Id like to come back when its colder so that the ice forms on their fur... i think i might need to get a more appropriate lens as well... thanks for the tips!
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 1/5/2007
I envy you Dave. It's one of my favorite locations; I've been there 6 times, and have stayed at Kurokakan Inn (not sure of spelling?) each time. Enjoy, and keep warm!
David Lockwood
{K:977} 1/5/2007
Thanks for the comment Steve. I agree, for being 'wild' uncaged macaques they are very approachable. I just visited there early today and took around a hundred shots. They're all in RAW format so its a little tedious going through them. I think I have some better angles and closeups that I havent got to yet. all the best, dave
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 1/5/2007
Hi David: The macaques at this location are very approachable, as they see tens of thousands of people each year. Should you go back, I'd suggest using a lower camera angle so that you are more on the same level as the macaque rather than looking down upon it.
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 1/5/2007
Oh I saw a movie about some of these monkeys getting warmed up in hot springs during wintertime. Fascinating behaviour! Thank you very much for sharing this photo. Best wishes Annemette
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 1/5/2007
wow!! great shot congratulation...7+++ gennaro