{K:26787} 3/23/2007
What a beautiful bird, Fred! Great colour and detail; a feast for the eye!
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 2/24/2007
Very nice work. As is colors are natural and realistic, as is sharpness. However just abit of PS to increase shadows and highlights just abit, along with neutral balancing colors (looks overly yellow) and a little USM would go along way.
Very nice nature capture.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 1/24/2007
Kenneth: Thanks for the kind words. We don't get many of these bright red characters for very long. They come through in the late spring, mostly, on their way to the high Rockies above 10,000'. I hope we have some again this year as they are lovely birds.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 1/24/2007
Fred nice capture of this little guy, great detail and dolors lighting and composition is very well done.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 12/22/2006
Superb shot of this wonderful red bird .. Peter
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 12/21/2006
Steve: We see few of these. We get dozens of Pine Siskins, Crossbills, Cassin's Finches, Juncos, Pygmy Nuthatches, Black-Capped and Mountain Chickadees, no Redpolls. This winter there is a large group of American Goldfinches and fewer finches with us. I did change our feeder setup so the finches may be reacting to that. We just moved our son from Seward, AK to San Diego, CA in September. It was an 11 day, 3800 mile drive. He was at the SeaLife Center and is now at Birch Aquarium. He misses the snow as he was raised in Colorado and love the mountains. Love your work and I will be looking it over shortly.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 12/21/2006
Steve: We see few of these. We get dozens of Pine Siskings, Crossbills, Cassin's Finches, Juncos, Pygmy Nuthatches, Black-Capped and Mountain Chickadees, no Redpolls. This winter there is a large group of American Goldfinches and fewer finches with us. I did change our feeder setup so the finches may be reacting to that. We just moved our son from Seward, AK to San Diego, CA in September. It was an 11 day, 3800 mile drive. He was at the SeaLife Center and is now at Birch Aquarium. He misses the snow as he was raised in Colorado and love the mountains. Love your work and I will be looking it over shortly.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 12/21/2006
Fred, pine grosbeaks, common redpolls, and pine siskins are our most common feeder birds here (we have two homes, one near Homer, the other in the Alaska range).
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 12/21/2006
Doyle: Thanks again. He did pose nicely didn't he? A gentleman from Homer, AK says they have these birds in great numbers.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 12/21/2006
Fred, we have hundreds of pine grosbeaks at our feeders summer and winter. They become tame enough to eat seeds from our hands. The fledged young sit around the feeders begging the adults for food.

Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 12/21/2006
Fred: This is awesome! Wonderful focal clarity and an amazing BG DOF and bokeh! Color is spot-on too!
Season's Best Wishes, Doyle I <~~~~~
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 12/21/2006
Hi fread, Excellent steal.Great representation . Partha
István Sándor
{K:2411} 12/21/2006
Superb capture congrats ~~~~ Wishing you all of the best my friend István
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 12/21/2006
very beautiful image and so nice shot perfect shot with great DOF well done again Fred
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 12/21/2006
Gary: Thank you. I appreciate your comments. I think they are in your area later in the spring.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 12/21/2006
James: Thank you for the kind words. We were grateful to see them.
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 12/21/2006
Dave: We were dazzled when these birds showed up. We had them for over a week and it made me get camera out every day they were here.
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 12/21/2006
Hi Fred... yep, very beautiful bird here! Not much to critique though. The sharp focus on the bird and pleasantly blurred background makes it stand out quite well. Don't think it could get much better. Cheers, Gary
Jimmy Piper
{K:5742} 12/21/2006
great colours and good clarity, fred :)
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/21/2006
Very impressive shot of this colourful little guy, Fred! Great detail and I like your composition, too. Dave.