Photographer: Emma Petrella (Karma=3577)
Campobasso, Italia
About: Da piccola ho sempre desiderato avere una macchina fotografica come quella di Papà... Mi affascinava come girava e rigirava, per minuti interi, le dita sull'obiettivo, come l'immagine da sfocata diventava nitida. Alla fine quando era pronto caricava la pellicola e... clic!!! Eccola che arriva come regalo di Laurea nel 2003. Ed ecco che sono pronta ad imparare! Grazie a quanti mi consiglieranno!
When I was a child I always wished to have a camera like that one my Dad had... It fascinated to me as he turned and turned back the objective with his fingers for entire minutes. Cause this movement a blurry immage becamed clear. At the end when everything was ready and perfect he loaded the film and... clic!!! Here it is that a camera I dreamed from a long time arrives like a present for my Bachelor in 2003. And Here I am, ready to learn to take good pictures. Thanks for all yours advise, for all yours good and usefull remark. I will always appreciate it!
There are 28 images in 1 Pages