Donations are greatly appreciated. imageopolis is a site dedicated to the pursuit of photographic learning. Your donation will fully support this effort, and fund the purchases of hardware, software, webspace and other supplies. Not only does imageopolis provide a unique opportunity for critiquing photographs of fellow members, but we also provide other learning avenues, such as an interactive chatroom, articles and forums. Your continued support will increase the variety of photo-related learning tools for all members.
If you value our site, please consider making a donation. Even a contribution of $25 would be greatly appreciated. We are working on massive upgrades and contributions greatly help us achieve our goals.
All donors will be able to upload 3 images per day for 1 year since the day of the donation.
With every donation of $25, imageopolis will:
List your name in our donor list.
Mark your images/portfolio with a donor icon.
Allow 3 uploads per day to the critique forum for 1 year.
Access to Donor Only Articles (Upcoming)
Unlimited Friends List Feature
With every donation of $50, imageopolis will:
- List your name in our donor List.
- Mark your images/portfolio with a donor icon.
- Allow 3 uploads per day to the critique forum for 1 year since the day of the donation.
- Access to Donor Only Articles (Upcoming).
- Inclusion of your images 'in the random images sections to get you more opportunities for critique.
- Removal of all Graphical Banner ads
- Unlimited Friends List Feature
If you have any questions regarding donations and the benefits of same, please feel free to email
You can also donate via CHECK or POSTAL MONEY ORDER, please do NOT send checks if you are an international member, we cannot cash such checks. It would be advisable to have a friend who has a paypal account donate for you.
Please DO NOT make them payable to, make them payable to: Phillip Cohen
Thank you very much.
Send Payment To:
Phillip Cohen
760 W. Ventura Blvd.
Camarillo, CA 93010