Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/27/2005
I must say that i really wasn't surprised to find out who you are...and i must add that you are transparent to many here...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to reveal the truth about your alias accts.....karma,baby,karma!
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 9/20/2005
who sings that song about Ill-i-noise? ;>
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 9/19/2005
well howdy doody, back from Vegas yet? amazing what technology can reveal when you have the expertise.....need i say more,or would you prefer to take this to email?
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 9/2/2005
The Heartland...where we give our sons and daughters for cannon fodder. The very "bread basket" that weans and then exacts the literal "pound of flesh" for compensation. Excellent. Keep shooting these Gayle. A potent reminder for me.
Sheldon Katz
{K:-287} 8/23/2005
Ivan that isn't very nice. After all, isn't it idiotic to call someone an idiot if they have different views from you? Grow up.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/17/2005
Love your image and style, and your willingness to stand up and be counted for what you believe.
The image is simple, powerful and faithfully reports an event.
It's amazing how such a simple photograph can be so challenging to some.
It also makes me laugh how some people will use the fact that you have the right to protest against your government's actions as an argument supporting their opinion that you shouldn't...
Great photo and a joy to read all the comments.
As an aside, maybe you should start a blog! :))
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/15/2005
Thanks Mark Julian for that most informative and articulate comment....glad you,too, liked my photo!
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 8/15/2005
Dear Gayle, wonderful photo that, beyond your "about", also says to me that the back of the American flag is looking more and more like the old Soviet Union flag which, with our rights being quickly chipped away at with things such as the "Patriot Act" and random subway searches by totally untrained street cops (not trained "terrorist experts"), makes total sense the way things are sadly going. There's so much Rush Limbaugh / Fox Sudo News flotsam and jetsam commenting going on here that once again it reminds me of the old USSR newspaper "Pravda" (Truth) and how some of the more naive and gullible Soviet citizens bought into it - porpaganda is still alive and well and is tricking the masses daily - a fine "shell game" indeed. I need not say more but let the fine comments above by Randal, Francisco, Todd, Paul, and Neal echo my thoughts. Fantastic work Gayle. All the best, Mark
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/15/2005
Sassy, thanks for your most perceptive and articulate feedback! Respect is "key" to most things,huh?!
Dennis Komis
{K:3160} 8/14/2005
as i recall there were no demonstrations against the war in serbia but hey, milosevic was a lot badder than sadam and george aint bill right?
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 8/14/2005
have to agree with Brad, Evil Prevails when good men do nothing.
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 8/14/2005
I have to agree with the aticulate and eloquent Mr. Prue on this one, Gayle. I also echo Neal's subsequent words and am impressed with your willingness to make a political statement and risk the abuse that has and will continue to come. I am incapable of critiquing a photo based on technical aspect as I simply do not have the technical 'know how'. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants when taking pictures and shoot dozens before capturing that one that 'speaks' to me. I comment on photos based on that element. They have to stir something in me and my comments are made with regard to essence. My feeling is, that when a photo does move me and I am able to have an insight into what the photographer is trying to project, then the technical aspects must be dead on. Your capture is moving and the red flag along with your 'about' which can be so important, adds to the sentiment that it and your photo have brought to us. The resulting comments of abuse and argumentativeness are just that. To make a comment such as "tell her to go home" and "ask her to tell her buddy Michael Moore to go home" are sophomoric at best and only display a rude and close-minded concept. It really does bring to mind a group of toddlers playing in the sandbox. Adding that this is not a blog, all the while treating it as a blog, with that sort of comment is amusing in it's own contradiction. I admire the comments directed at the statement you have made even though they have been qualified with the fact that their politics may be different. That is called respect.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/14/2005
Thank you,Neal for sharing your deep understanding of the reality at hand...and "risking the abuse" here at UF is so minor compared to what is being risked abroad and stateside on a daily basis...thanks for the vote of confidence,my friend!
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 8/14/2005
I liked Bradley Prue's comment: "Think of the consequences...of NOT standing up to evil." Thank god there are people like you, Gayle, who are willing to do it. I love your image and I love your explanation. And I am mightily impressed that you're willing to make a political statement here and risk all the abuse you're likely to get. I only hope it finally sinks into more people that this ridiculous war is evil, based on greed and agression and domination and "a pack of lies." Congratulations Gayle. You should run for president.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/14/2005
Randy, i accept your apology for initiating this "drama" and hope that you will abide by your decision not to leave comments on my images just as you told me not to do the same in the past...like i said to Hubert,it is uncanny how similar your writing styles are as of late,and found it very curious that he is a brand new member as of today/yesterday depending on time zone,and that my image was his first comment left on UF as well as he has no portfolio...i have a friend who can investigate further when he returns...
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 8/14/2005
ATTENTION ANYONE who cares to follow this drama(unfortunately I seem have little choice)...
I am not Hubert Ackerman, he is not my relative, and he is not even a friend or acquaintance(at least at this time). I dispute the accuracy of some statements being made but will not make any more response on UF to this member. I apologize to you all and UF for this commotion.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/14/2005
Hubert, your critique style is so similar to Randy Lorance's and even he told me himself once that alias/duplicate memberships are easy to do here at UF....of course if i am mistaken,it is positively uncanny how similar your chosen words and style are to his!..LOL..
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/13/2005
Hubert, i just noticed that you don't have any photos uploaded on this site and that "I" was your first comment which is one of only 3...are you Randy Lorance's relative named Hubert?..LOL..
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/13/2005
Hubert, thanks for dropping by to comment on my image....no cloning whatsoever was used with this image...the red flag was a second flag that is same size as the MIA ones of the past...someone made a red one to stand for the current bloodshed...this was shot in bright light outside and what you see in the way of shadow/light is exactly the way i saw it in its natural setting...those who know me and my work know that i believe "less is more" when it comes to using editing programs UNLESS FOR PHOTOART,OR OTHER UNIQUE APPROACH....i don't spend hours trying to perfect each and every detail of a realistic shot like some people you may know....if you look through my portfolio you will see that my body of work is eclectic to say the least and that i certainly know my light/shadows since i capture them naturally....the "re-coloratiion" of the US flag is an intended result of a black/white point tool in paintshop..."cartoon look" is certainly apt at this point in time with this government!..LOL..some of the about were my own words and quote is from the "world can't wait group"...hope this answers your query...
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 8/13/2005
Never take the news as gospel truth.
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 8/13/2005
UH-OH, IT'S TURNED INTO A BLOG! But I will go with the flow....
It's their right to protest, but as far as desecrating the flag or burning it, they have no right on U.S. soil. Let them do it outside the U.S.
It's funny how those passive ones eventually get taken over, and then we Americans have to come over and rescue their country. Remember WWII? I don't have to name names.
Geez, with these comments, I'm for sure going to be labeled a Conservative. But I'm neither Conservative nor Liberal. They represent the extremes. I espouse social justice and equality for all ethnicities & cultures (as the democrats do), but I also hold God and the Bible as true and infallible (as the conservatives do).
I don't know the truth as to why we are in Iraq, and will probably never know. But our friends and family are there. Don't forget.
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 8/13/2005
I wonder if there was a RED FLAG flying next to every Iraqi flag, while under the rule of the former dictatorship?? Further, what fate would have met that Iraqi citizen, had he flown a red flag for his father, or brother, or sister, who had been tortured or gassed?
I respectfully disagree with Francisco.. As hard as it is to come to grips with, we humans are incapable of existing on a global level in total peace. For that to happen, there would have to be NO EVIL in this world. There is unfortunately, such a thing as evil. It is real, and it exists in the hearts of many. For mankind to turn a cheek to this reality, is both foolish and cowardly. If the oppressed, and more importantly...the mighty, chose to allow those with evil in their hearts, to build dictatorships and empires, on the blood of its' own citizens would be the biggest injustice of all.
There is an enormous "picture" that must be considered, when entering the political fray. Having said that, the fact that we CAN fly that red flag, speaks volumes.
My heart goes out to Cindy Sheehan. But it is just too easy to take an emotional stance. Think of the consequences historically, of NOT standing up to evil.
Hubert Ackerman
{K:52} 8/13/2005
Decent clarity except for the "cartoon" feel of the PS work with recoloring the blue on the American flag. It does, however, deliver a strong political message, albeit one I disgree with.
I may be mistaken, but the second flag looks unatural in this picture and seems from this angle to be an old Soviet flag. Some constructive criticism for future cloning/super-imposition is to pay close attention to the direction of lighting and shadows.
Not sure how the extensive personal and politcal debating in the comments here actually serves a purpose from an artistic standing, but I suppose any publicity is good publicity.
Also, for curiousity's sake, who did you quote in the "About"?
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 8/13/2005
How could you go out with that idiot?
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 8/13/2005
Why is it that our elected officials don't have the guts to make the simple point that one Mother is willing to make: This war is something that a handfull of men wanted at any cost, and was forced upon us under false pretenses. Men are dying daily because they thought 'war would be cool'.
Is there not ONE leader willing to stand up and point out the Emperor has no clothes?
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/13/2005
Thanks for dropping by and leaving your most articulate comment,Francisco...and glad you like the photo,too ;> Many will mobilize November 2 to be heard including families of living and deceased soldiers...peace,gayle
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 8/13/2005
... To quote Albert Einstein - "He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
I believe that every photographer is recording miracles of one type or another.
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 8/13/2005
powerful and meaningful image and about Gayle. photos and art can indeed be a powerful tool to express our distaste, and our 'outrage.' keep up the great work my friend.
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 8/13/2005
War is one of the most demeaning things to Humanity. How many sons, daughters, partners, parents will have to be defiled and killed before we learn to live in peace. Particularly, it's very unsettling when in a display of arrogance and prepotency, foreigners decide to change things with brute force and Neanderthal behaviours.
Way to go Gayle with your picture; it's refreshing to see for us, outsiders, that people like you and Cindy Sheehan are bright lights in a place that so desperately need change and humanization.
PS: I love your recent postings, they are excellent. :-)
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/13/2005
Randy Lorance.... a few months after we split up and i moved out and left an innocent comment on Rico the dog image you posted,you not only removed the image,and then reposted with my comment removed,but told me to never leave another comment on your images....this is not the first time you have left your ultra conservative inane opinions on one of my images...as usual it is the old "do as i say not as i do" directive from you ......no,this is not a blog,but you chose to use it as one yourself! My about states clearly what my intent is with this image...can always count on you,huh?!
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 8/13/2005
Then why are you trying to turn it into one? Sod off, Republican.
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 8/13/2005
And since I won't be anywhere near, please ask her to tell her buddy Michael Moore to go home. This is a photography site, not a blog.
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 8/13/2005
Thats fine, I am sure there are plenty of people in the area that have offered the message to her... take care.
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 8/13/2005
It is quite within your perogative to deliver that message yourself, sir. Since my message and yours differ, I decline.
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 8/13/2005
Gayle is my friend.
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 8/13/2005
And when you get there tell her to go home.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 8/13/2005
Right on! Be sure to tell her many will mobilize on Nov.2 and that she is not alone!...thanks for comment,my friend....
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 8/13/2005
Great statement, Gayle. And the photo, the US flag doesn't appear to be in full glory, as it should be... it's somehow tarnished, diminished. There is far too much red in the flag, too much blood in the fabric... I'm on my way to Crawford, Texas, in the morning to deliver a small contribution of supplies to Cindy Sheehan, I hope to get some shots of the valiant protest. You are right, "Images speak volumes."