Daniel Flynn
{K:586} 10/2/2003
Autumn, I am sorry I must have deleted your comment by mistake when it was sent. Thank you for your comments and giving me the opportunity to look at this image again. It is amazing how much our children change in just a short while...too sad sometimes, but then all the more reason to record our memories with a camera. You know looking at this now I am not sure that I should not crop out the left side quite a bit, placing Michael more in the left plane...not a big deal. Thank you again.
Autumn Ruhe
{K:993} 9/29/2003
ok yeah, that little boy is pretty much way too adorable. i like the way you framed this shot. maybe use a reflector on the face, it might brighten the shot up a bit.
Phillip Cohen
{K:10561} 11/17/2001
Cute shot. I would have shot it in the veritcal format, you dont need all that background on each side of him. The background is a bit bright and the boys face is a bit dark. Also there is no detail or color in the shirt except for the shoulders where it is getting a hair light effect from the light source behind him. Since you have a bright background you would have to increase the flash brightness to bring the boys face closer in brightness to the background, or shoot at a higher sync speed to darken the background bringing it down to the boys level and then print it lighter, if this were a tranparency you would have to increase the flash output since you dont have the options you do in printing.
Debbie Groff
{K:9569} 9/14/2001
What a cutie. I seem to get the same darker skin color under the eye area of my grandson like this one is showing. Is it the skin tone or the film? I've often wondered?
Daniel Flynn
{K:586} 9/14/2001
Thank you.
Dave Holland
{K:13074} 9/13/2001
Well done.