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Image Title:  Shy
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 By: Linn Currie  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Linn Currie {Karma:24426}
Project N/A Camera Model Minolta DiMage Z1
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 95mm
Uploaded 5/17/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 50
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1105 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  Centurion
State -  GAUTENG
Country - South Africa   South Africa
About Please critique and comment on the DOF. I think I succeeded in getting the first two right (as I wanted it, ie. sharp foreground petals, less focussed centre) but I wanted the back petals much more out of focus. Just a matter of trying again? or do you have any tips for me?

Crysanthinum shot in natural light against green artboard.
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Linn Currie   {K:24426} 5/19/2004
Paolo, thank you for the great advice. I will be trying it soon.



Paolo Barthelemy   {K:25552} 5/19/2004
Hi, Linn!

You may work in two ways:

1) maximize the zoom and the aperture (whenever possible) and decrease the shutter speed accondingly. Put the camera as near as possible to the part of the subject (the front petals) you want on focus. These things will make the shallowest DOF.
2) Use PS, create a gradient mask and use gaussian blur.

Apart from these advices, I think this shot is very beautiful as it is, with its great lighting and its very pleasant colors and dof. Excellent composition too.

My kindest regards, Paolo


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 5/19/2004
Linn i always liked such photographs & have worked on this concept of blurr & out of focus in my florals u can check out & may be u like them,cheers,Subhash.


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 5/19/2004
Linn i always liked such photographs & have worked on this cocept of blurr & out of focus in my florals u can check out & may be u like them,cheers,Subhash.


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 5/18/2004
Good Morning Bill
No, this is a Crysanthinum hybrid.

Yes, I understand what you are saying. Have a look at my portfolio and you will see how I like "playing" with the focus. This particular flower I wanted something way different to what I have done before. Sharp front petals, then fading the focus through to the back. Didn't succeed with this one though as I needed much more out-of-focus petals at the back. But I will simply try and try again till I get it right :-)

I promise to post a sharp, full in focus floral for you some time or the other :-)))

Have a wonderful day!


Bill Webster   {K:1669} 5/18/2004
Linn, I personally would have gotten the middle area sharp as well, then have the back petals blur out a little. As it is, my eye wants to see that center area in better detail. Thats just me. I like pretty much all my photos sharp top to bottom, so take my comment lightly. (Is this a Dahlia?) Best....

Bill W.


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 5/18/2004
Using the Minolta at its longest focal length would give you less DOF even at an aperture of 3.5.Might want to try it.Very similar to the Dimage 7 HI


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 5/18/2004
Nothing shy about this little young lady .shes outspoken!



Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 5/17/2004
Not quite sure what you were aiming for, Linn ~ even having read your introduction!! But I'd prefer to see the whole flower in sharp focus.
Kind regards, Chris


Felipe Woichejosky   {K:4766} 5/17/2004
Hi Linn, when of a single flower it is I prefer that the definition is perfect everywhere, it is a question of personal pleasure. These pictures, when it used my old Nikon F2AS, those made with f/32 openings and until f/64. Today I don't achieve the quality of those old pictures, but in cases like this work and when I want to obtain the greatest fidelity, I work with the camera in the manual way (focus and meassure), the smallest available diaphragm and obturation speeds that fluctuate (depending on the existent light conditions) among 1 and until 8 seconds in some cases.
Multiple DOF in a single flower is equal for my to a visual contamination.
If you want to obtain more out of focus in the back petals proceed as Antonio Trincone indicates.
My best, Felipe.


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 5/17/2004
Hi Linn,
The larger the apeture, the more shallow the focus will be. Probably if this high contrast flower was photographed against mid to light tones, I'm thinking it would 'look' not quite as sharp (not that it's sharp, just would appear more out of focus). If all else fails, use the 'lens blur' in PS!

Lori :)


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 5/17/2004
matter of lens too; if you use a strong tele you can achieve what you need, or f1.4 instead of 2.8


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 5/17/2004
gorgeous..! great dof :) and i love the colors and patterns of the petals :)




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