The piece of cloth the boy is wrapped in, came straight out of the washingmachine and had a thousand wrinkles, all in the wrong places. I cloned them away and painted in new folds and creases. The picture I found in a was so gross I liked it on the spot..
Can't believe you cloned away the wrinkles and creases. It looks all natural (Well, being not very good with PS, guess I couldn't have done it myself). Went to the "mind-dancer" site. Loved the Guardian 3 pic. Must post it, for sure. Think it's the purrrfect combination of red and bw and the motion blur works wonders. Love yours style very much. You're not afraid to joke around and do stuff which other guys would find crazy. Don't mind the PS processing either because you seem to know what you're doing. (Love good PS processing, just don't like amateurish PS work I see sometimes done on some pics) Regards, Hanna
I'm glad you told us what you did here... amazing your effects... and I like the frame... very cool ;) I would have bought it too, just for it's sheer trashiness! This is a great image love it, cute boy too.
Cherie p.s. You are so damned cool, I missed the writing on the image, and it made my day so special, I love your remixes, I just wish and plead with you to post one of them... now that would be an honour - like a collaboration type oh thing Have a cool W-end ya hear!
Knap stukje werk Rob. Zal een heel geduldig werkje zijn geweest om al die kreukels "glad te strijken" in PS. Ik vind de tegenstelling hier erg goed en inderdaad...... wat een vreselijk kitcherig lijstje zit er om de paus heen.... hahaha...... maar wel een origineel idee! Groetjes, Diana.