I have two versions of this, this one, and a non-tilted version. Please look at both and tell me which one you like best and why. All other comments (good or bad) are welcome too of course.
I also prefer this shot, definetely. I think it's more dinamique then the other one, I feel I can go out of the image by following the curve and the prespective is crazy.
Definately the tilted version. However therre are a few things I would like to see changed about it. Push the track off to the left, this would get rid of that distracting white triangle top left and let you include more of the bridge on the right without having to crop it as it is. The lighting looks a little flat too.
In this one, I prefer the colder tones (they seem more appropriate for the not-so-beautiful area you've portrayed), the crop on the sides (more balanced than in the other pic), the fact that I'm looking down the left rail rather than the right one (I'm not quite sure why), and also the dynamic tilt.
However, I seriously dislike the crop at the top, the way it gets so tight towards the right side as the bridge almost disappears. Maybe reversing the focus could work, or maybe if you took this with a 50mm or a wide-angle lens, you could get more of the bridge into the image without changing the angle on the rails.
I definetly prefer this one, the angle gives sense of movement -ie speed- as yo where in front of the train about to enter the bend, ueeehhh!!!! we getting out of the track!!!!