Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 6/8/2006
They're both really nice, Kathy. I think I prefer the other view. I think the bright red barn and the house make view a bit too busy. Steve
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 6/8/2006
What a beautiful bridge and i love how you have framed the barn with it. Alison
Mark Longo
{K:12760} 6/2/2006
This is a very lovely composition. Your gift for seeing angles in these sorts of klandscape shots just keeps getting better Kathy. Also your framing of the scene through the bridge opening is very good and adds dimension and interest, yet that more distant scene does not overpower the main star of this, which is the bridge itself of course. The tree trunk at left adds weight to that side and that combined with the shooting angle from the left of the bridge makes it appear that the bridge itself is positioned farther to the left of center than it actually is. And interesting compositional nuance. This is very well shot and is in the traditional style of classic country scene. Great work!
Regards, Mark
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 6/2/2006
Hi Sheila, It sounds like you've been busy! I hope you're having fun with that! This bridge is out in Lynden, but it would be hard to spot if you didn't know it was there. My brother is friends of the guy that had this built, so he sent me out that way. It's nice to have people on the lookout for great shots! Kathy
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 6/1/2006
The posted view is better than the alternative you offer, Kathy. In your posting there is more emphasis on the red of the bridge (I like that in relation to the greenery) and the perfect framing of the red barn. Eb
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 6/1/2006
Very rich and lush - red barns and now bridges are great in contrast to the greenery! Well done, Kathy! Eb
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 6/1/2006
Nice capture, love the great perspective. The bold reddish painted frame is striking contarst here. Well captured and seen!
Best wishes dear Kathy! Robert
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 6/1/2006
Sorry I haven't commented lately, I've been caught up in researching my family history. It's been very interesting!
Great shot Kathy! Where is this bridge? I have yet to come upon this one! I'm torn between the two angles. I like how the red barn is framed in the posted shot and I like the leading lines of the fence and road in the other. Both are great. Well done!
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 6/1/2006
Hi Kathy, this is a beautiful scene, I love the view through the bridge/barn, I think you chose the perfect angle and perspective, I viewed the other and prefer this as there are no distractions and a nice clear view...
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 6/1/2006
Hi Kathy, At first glance in the thumbs, I thought I was going to prefer your husbands choice. But I think you were right to post the one you did. The one above has a beautiful leading line into the bridge by way of that wet road. I also think the image is more pleasing without so many branches covering the top of the bridge and obscuring the lettering. I prefer the positioning of the barn in the background of the one you posted as well. It is IMO a much better image over-all. Andre
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 6/1/2006
Beautiful colors and angle!. This picture makes me want to see what is on the other side, it must be an awesome house. Maybe if I win the Lotto.....
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 6/1/2006
Great perspective, Kathy! I like the way you've framed the barn throught the bridge! Excellent colour throughout the shot, too. Dave.
Kenneth C. Long, Sr.
{K:4245} 6/1/2006
Kathy, beautiful, peaceful shot, well composed, DOF, detail & color, good job.
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 6/1/2006
Hi Gayle, This is in our area...but it's a bit of a cheat. It is right in the middle of a town called Lynden, in a very populated area. My brother's friend built this as a replica of the real thing. The cafe is indeed up and running. Susie and I are working hard (maybe TOO hard at times) but we have a great staff and it's fun. If you ever get up our way be sure to give us a holler and we'll make sure you have directions and hours and all that good stuff! Kathy
brit warren
{K:1516} 6/1/2006
Beautiful pic Kathy. I love the angle and how the subject is the full size of the frame. Great color. Tree on the left foreground adds a bit of depth too. Great shot. Don't seem to make them like this anymore (well not in Kansas City, anyways, ha.)
josep alsina
{K:19880} 5/31/2006
Preciosa fotografía y romántico motivo. Saludos de Josep
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 5/31/2006
They are both beautiful views. Nice crisp clear colors and detail. I like the water on the road. Nice work Kathy. Don.
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 5/31/2006
WINNER~!!!!! Wow- what a cool bridge and barn- and this angle is the BEST! Fantastic shot- when you make your barn calendar from all you wonderful photos, I want the first signed copy!! Great!!!
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 5/31/2006
A lovely image, Kathy! Wonderful colours and comp!
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 5/31/2006
Interesting, to see this covered bridge, Kathy. From a documentary point of view I prefer your choice, from an artistic point of view your husbands fav. Both have their merits however.
Regards, Markus
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 5/31/2006
Great image .. I like the 1st one best ..i love these covered bridges ..i have only ever seen them in films..nice neat picture..nessa
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 5/31/2006
Bello puente, alegre colorido... esos verdes magníficos, las texturas del tronco por izquierda fabulosos!!! Preciosa foto!!!
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 5/31/2006
Wow I love it! And I like Denny's fav too. It's harder now to decide which I like best. Great job, with really nice exposure. This one should be a print! Suz
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 5/31/2006
A delightful bridge! The colors and lighting are very good in this image. I like your husband's favorite best.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 5/31/2006
This is up in your area? i have seen covered bridges in Oregon,but not in our state...would love to visit this area....and the cafe if on the way? I prefer this image because of the perspective and close enough to see details...very well captured,Kathy...like the FG framing with the tree on left as viewed...very picturesque! regards,gayle
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 5/31/2006
OOPS! Another view.
 My husband's favorite |
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 5/31/2006
Another view