Martin .
{K:24957} 6/18/2006
Godspeed to the both of you and your brothers!
I only play with the best shots posted. I'm sure you'll get over the plains... LOL ...
I'm just an Illinois boy. All of our woods were very colourful, back then. Now I've been in Texas for 25 years and everything is burned up... Go figure?
Happy Fathers Day to you and yours,
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 6/18/2006
Hi Martin, Susie and I are indeed sisters...she's the greatest! Thanks for taking the time to play with this shot. Since I'm more of an "undersaturated" rather than "oversaturated" kind of gal this version is a bit over the top for me, but it's always fun to see someone elses ideas! Kathy
Martin .
{K:24957} 6/18/2006
OMGosh, I didn't know you were Susie's sister until today... Congrats on a wonderful capture indeed...
I hope you don't mind my playing about with your work, but I can't help myself... LMAO ...
My best to you and yours,
 A dash of this and a bit of that? |
Mireille Heirendt
{K:7258} 5/20/2006
Great capture of this railroad tressle-perfect composition and tones. The sepia version is definitely the best! Mireille
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 4/26/2006
Very beautiful full of great detail and what a great composition. Alison
m ,
{K:15872} 4/23/2006
An impressive image with very nice details and lovely lightness! It is a very sympathetic view with this perspective you shot it! Best regard: Maxime
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 4/23/2006
Lovely composition and tones Kathy - almost look like a scene out of war. Very well taken and presented. Joggie
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/23/2006
wonderful landscape and very impresive composition, great contrast here and beautiful tone, all of the best my friend
1301307 60
{K:44058} 4/23/2006
Nice find Kathy, I like the tones you used here, it gives a feeling that is an old photo found in your granpas personal property chest.. : ) There's something in the shrubs and bushes that is attractive when in monochromatic, I think its the fine lines seen. I prefer this one over the colored version.. regards...
Brian Fillmore
{K:4016} 4/22/2006
I like this photograph. It has an orginal appearance. The tree limbs in all different lengths in the foreground really add to overall feeling.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 4/22/2006
Excellent landscape Kathy! Beautiful sepia work! Roberto.
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 4/22/2006
Like the colour version as well ,the b&w looks more dramatic and the colour a peaceful look,.. it,s wonderful how they can have such a different feel by changing colour..nessa
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 4/22/2006
Great shot dear KAthy.. Wonderful composition.. Well desaturated and cropped..
My best regards, aLi
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 4/22/2006
Bello puente entre tanta vegetación... en verano lo cubren!!!. Felicitaciones!!!
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 4/21/2006
I like this vintage look, Kathy! As usual, you retain interesting foreground detail and tonality. Eb
Mahamed Ariffin
{K:7114} 4/21/2006
The monotone version is better, of course! I definitely love this one!
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 4/21/2006
Both versions are great my dear Kathy but with the mono toned version you get a better feeling of the history that the tressle might be steeped in...Cowboys and gunfights....well maybe not but mental pictures of the oldtime locomotives and rolling stock certainly come to mind. I like the portrait presentation of the colour version, it suits the subject well, but those wonderful mono tones are the winning touch. Well done sweetie....2 for the price of 1...I love a good bargain. My very best wishes to you as always....Ray
josep alsina
{K:19880} 4/21/2006
Bonita fotografía, un poco otoñal y con unas tonalidades sepia excelentes. Un cordial saludo de Josep
missy mullins
{K:677} 4/21/2006
what a great old timey feel....kinda spooky too..i like the first one the best..
{K:5655} 4/21/2006
A simple shot, but well done. I think I like the posted version better than the color.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/21/2006
Hi Kathy, You know I'm a sucker for toned B&W so I probably would go with the one you posted. Now, If you could just get some beavers to cut those trees out of the line of site of the bridge :)
ps Another thing you might like is to de-saturate the color version right down so that there is only the faintest hue of green coming from the trees. I find this works nicely sometimes. De-saturate to very low colour and then increase the darkness and a little contrast. The mood will change again. It's all up to you :) Andre
Kelly Duntley
{K:13889} 4/21/2006
As much as I really don't appreciate mono tones, this is fantastic. Leaves more of a spectral old feel to the photo. The tones fits this capture perfectly. A splendid job you did!!! Kelly
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 4/20/2006
Hi Kathy, I really like the tones that you have created in this picture. I do find that the bridge is pretty centered. The background looks like a painting.. Nice work. Don.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/20/2006
Excellent capture of this relic, Kathy! I like the b/w version, as it enhances the feeling of a rustic, and bygone era. Dave.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 4/20/2006
Very nice image, creating the illusion of an old photograph. I like the color version too, with the fresh green starting to grow.
Regards, Markus
Michael Schuier
{K:4804} 4/20/2006
Beautiful shot. I love the tones in it. the contrast is just right for the bridge. Did you have a walk to find this, because it looks like you found a pretty little place only a few people are able to see. Michael
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 4/20/2006
Oh my God, that's a really fine work, but coloured version is good, I think b&w version is full of artistry details and full of scary feeling. So good! Absolutely nice photograph, great work, wery well done my friend! Take care!
Best wishes dear Kathy! Robert
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 4/20/2006
Dear Kathy, I looked at both versions and read all comments and, I must say, I definitely prefer the B&W version. It has character, it has impact, it has artistry.Well done!!! Gabriela
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/20/2006
I'm gonna go for the colour version on this one Kathy. My thinking behind it is that the tones you have here are somewhat similar to those occurring in the colour version naturally anyway. So with the inclusion of some green from the trees and a smattering of life in the foreground, the scene takes on a new charm. Another reason for my preference is the orientation. The vertical composition gives more sense of height, space and openess.
Both interpretations of this scene are wonderfully presented, as usual :) and, aside from the slight blowout from the highlights beyond the tracks, flawlessly captured and composed.
But you know what? At the end of the day, it all comes back to what you want to convey, what mood/look/feel you hope to achieve. If it's simply a matter of colour vs tone, then putting it to a vote *may* help you decide between the two. But then you still may be left with some dissatisfaction if the 'popular' version doesn't adequately express your intent...
Cheers Rina.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 4/20/2006
This looks REALLY good! The color version is nice too with the pops of green. I can just see this on the cover of a CD or book. (A mystery book no doubt!) Good angle and perspective. And good on you guys for traipsing out there! ) Nice post, I've got a feeling about this one.... Suz
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 4/20/2006
Very well composed, with good tones and details. I like the color version best.
Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 4/20/2006
The color version is nice, Kathy, but it just doesn't have the impact of the B&W version. This one's fantastic!! You might just tone down the brightness of the water ever so slightly. Other than that it's perfect! Steve
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 4/20/2006
Wonderful capture I like both versions Sherif
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 4/20/2006
Soft and lovely, smooth tones and very pleasing presence.
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 4/20/2006
A color version
