Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 9/14/2006
Hi Joggie,
The figure is quite clear. Wonderfull study, good idea, nice colors and fine objects. Great work you share with this serie. I like them a lot.
See you, Albert
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 4/17/2006
Just stunning in itself- but especially knowing where you got it from. The colours and textures wonderful. I see water and reflections and floating leaves.
Quix Photography
{K:20204} 4/7/2006
This is an amazing idea that has worked to excellent effect... I see a Roman Emperor here.. though very similair I believe to your inca king.
I love this.. the colours, texture & clarity are top notch (the only problem I see with this is that UF have not awarded you with at least a POD!!!) This photo drew my attention & now I want to hunt out the rest of these in your portfolio... I feel truly inspired. I have something similair in my vortex collection where I turned pictures taken from a water pool into those that looked like they where taken from the Hubble space telescope!... maybe I should go from the macro to the microcosm... as you have proved here... just as effective.
Excellent about also. Sue x
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/4/2006
Hi Joggie, very intriguing photo, which definitely requires a bit of background info to fully appreciate - thanks!
Thye combiantion of the refraction of the light in the oil, creating a pearl-like appearance, as well as the patterns it creates with its jagged, hard lines separating it from the oxidised steel is awesome! Can't get a better example of the effects of the interaction between polair and a-polair substances... Pure beauty, from a technological point of view.
I also like the association with with the flow patterns of a muddy river flowing out into the sea, seen from space; The area where dry land and water mixes; the contrast with the super-macro only adds to that feel, complimenting it beautifully; the patterns OF nature...
Superb capture.
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 4/4/2006
Thanks Eb - a pointer - the tip of the nose is on the 1/3 intersection, lower right. The eye just north of that. Okay, I spent a bit of time in the sun with the camera a few centimeters away from the drum - the imagination must kick in under such circumstances! Wife & neighbours think I'm mad! Joggie
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 4/4/2006
I am not good at reading into things - no faces of Mother Theresa here, let alone the Inca! What I do like, Joggie, is the opalescent metalic tonal quality made more apparent in contrast to the rust colour. There is plenty of interesting, sharp detail and texture to keep the eye in the photo. Well done! Eb
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 4/2/2006
Could he be an Indian leader? Or many other things. Also our imagination runs along the rails of our personal experiencies. Beautiful the colours. The work is ... You know. Ciao.
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 4/2/2006
Great one of the series Great photograph Nigel
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 4/1/2006
Wauw, I just had to see this image wondering what it was! Great colours. In general your portfolio is wonderful with the macros and vivid colours. Best wishes, Annemette
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 4/1/2006
Excellent macro, Joggie. I can definitely see a man's profile there. I love the colours and patterns. Cheers, Ann.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 4/1/2006
I can sure see the head of your king. Sure an interesting color for rust.. Don.
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/1/2006
... or Roman Gladiator :) What a fabulous study Joggie. The things one can find in their own backyard... does make you think and get inspired.
Cheers Rina
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 3/31/2006
Joggie excelent photography!!!“ jo
Marian Man
{K:80636} 3/31/2006
I can see him dear Joggie!!!!!!! absolutely wonderful!!!!!! great colors and textures!!!!!!! love it!!!!! my very best regards Marian
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/31/2006
Who would think rust could look so artistic..great capture ..nessa
Tarek Hakawati
{K:1269} 3/31/2006
so simple yet very inovative...well done keep it going