Mary Pollock
{K:291} 3/28/2003
I like how you peeled the banana from the bottom! And your table top studio is quite inspiring.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 1/21/2003
If ever a photo of a banana could be elevated to the glamour category then this is that photo. But perhaps you should be more careful posting such an intimate and erotic portrait. Next time, post it with the nudes.
John Myers
{K:4308} 1/21/2003
yes, good lesson indeed for us poor folk that can't afford a real setup . doesn't quite help me for that egg project though...;)
nice photo. i want a banana.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 1/21/2003
Uncle Frank, I thank you very much for showing me/us how your banana was placed. A good lesson.
Uncle Frank
{K:1642} 1/21/2003
Glad to see I'm not the only one who was horrified to think of a world without bananas. Since Audrey asked about the free-standing effect, I've attached a shot of my ultra-sophisticated macro studio :-). In this case, I speared the banana with a spike to hold it upright, and cloned out traces of the retainer in Photoshop... after I ate the banana, of course.

Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 1/21/2003
I heard the 'bad' news also! But wouldn't have thought of taking a photo for keeps! Good imagination - nice lighting. could you tell me how you posed it to look 'free-standing' please?
heather martino
{K:3648} 1/21/2003
You've made this one look so tasty I feel the need to run down to the shop now. Great lighting & a mystery how you made it stand on its end. My monitor is quite bright, but I can see what could be lens flare if you follow the right-most peel. Poor ol' bananas. I heard that too, though I'm sure some genetic modification could save them. We get a nice small wild species here which should be fine. Yumyum. H:)
Megan Forbes
{K:4617} 1/21/2003
The best shot of a banana I've ever seen, I'm sure future generations will now mourn it's demise, and curse your part for nibbling so many of them away... :P
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 1/21/2003
I think this is wonderful - really love the lighting and detail, and the nibbling adds character.
Who says bananas will only be around for 10 more years? I would be in real trouble at that point.