Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 10/26/2005
Nice one colin but not as crisp as your others, but nice colours all the same good composition. looks a nice place to be in the end, well done Colin mate.Cheers.....Bob Aldridge.
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 10/25/2005
The striking colors of the flowers contrast so well with the slightly misty bg.Good composition.
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 10/25/2005
Yes it is a great place I know it. Wonderful viewpoint you took. Excellent composition.
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 10/25/2005
si caro Colin, quella sera sono stato eletto e ne sono felice ed orgoglioso. ti ringrazio patrizio
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 10/25/2005
Love this photograph!
Interesting perspective here. Great colors.
Beautiful composition
Lori :)
Colin Cartwright
{K:15699} 10/24/2005
Grazie per quelle parole gentili, Patrizio! Provenivano dal vostro spirito e molto sono state apprezzate.
P.S. avete ottenuto la presidenza? Dovreste avere, appena per le vostre foto eccezionali di paesaggio, da solo!!
Riguardi e ciao, Colin
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 10/24/2005
hai scelto un'immagine veramente bella e toccante per fare questo bell'omaggio alla liguria bravissimo patrizio
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/24/2005
Great perspective here, Colin! I like the way you've included the colourful foreground and the detailed, if misty, town in the backround. A very well composed image. Congratulations, also, on making the front page! Thanks for your comments, too! Dave.
jude .
{K:14625} 10/24/2005
Wonderful layered image, Colin...beautiful perspective. I love wandering through cemetaries, especially old ones, taking rubbings, reading the inscriptions, wondering about the lives of those now gone. Beautifully done, my friend.
Colin Cartwright
{K:15699} 10/24/2005
Thanks for the thoughtful critique, Markus. You have observed the very qualities I envisioned, when I captured this wonderful and atmospheric place.
Dank für die durchdachte Anmerkung, Markus. Sie haben die Qualitäten, ich sich vorstellten beobachtet, als ich dieses gefangennahm. Ihre kurzen und scharf beobachteten Wörter, wurden viel geschätzt.
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 10/24/2005
This is really excellent, Colin. It has so many dimensions. Not just the contrast between life and death. But also the depth in the picture, foreground, background and backbackground (the sea). Ther are also lovely diagonals in it. Congratulations, also for appearing on the frontpage for such a long time. Bravo!
Regards, Markus
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 10/24/2005
Excellent photo, Colin, and an interesting 'about'. Best regards, Chris P.S. Thanks for your kind comment.
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 10/24/2005
Excellent composition Colin... Love the colors and the view in the background... The flowers look beautiful...