Sam Smith-Palomeque
{K:1680} 10/30/2004
The crop is great, the cat is gorgeous, she definitly does look like she's not going to budge, as if she's just seen a ghost. Her eyes are amazing
{K:26787} 6/18/2004
Bath time ... POOR cat! Gorgeous blue eyes; I like the unusual cropping!
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 6/11/2004
Hi!...Arwa: I Think that the Image!..Ok!, HAving a Cat that, Does not co-operate..I have taken to waiting and Using Natural Light, Not Flash...and Most of all using Long Focal Length Lens...This does Not Disturb the Cat!
Here is a Shot of My Mickey...taken with Lond Focal Lenth Lens...from approx 15Ft, away...it's all in the Technique....This is just a Suggestion, and not a Hard Rule...Jeff!!!

Carla Sie
{K:2057} 6/10/2004
Hi Arwa! Thanks for your visit, and your comment! But, that photo is sunrise,not a sunset! Anyway.. I saw your portfolio and I think it's simply beautiful. I love cats and that's why my comment is about this one, but all of your work is perfect! Nice to meet you! Regards, Carla
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 6/4/2004
Oh MAN, your story is so funny that I had such a good laugh! I'm glad that you submitted this just for the humor. Thanks.... Bartock
Chris Nichols
{K:7068} 6/2/2004
Nice! I love her eyes!
Sérgio Vieira
{K:3384} 6/1/2004
hehe she's definetly scared. :)
John Myers
{K:4308} 6/1/2004
I'm trying not to laugh out loud (i'm at the library!) but this is just too funny. most of the problem lies in the composition and how you position things and shapes in this picture. the main focus should be the face, but there are a lot of distractions. more of the ears and less on the bottom, maybe even take off the tag.
nothing beats a spur of the moment mood though.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 5/31/2004
Excellent close up and crop, cute ,beautiful eyes,Saeed
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 5/31/2004
Adorable ;-)
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 5/31/2004
very good arwa...my dog would like to meet her, rog
Michelle Viswanathan
{K:8} 5/31/2004
thats a comic expression! i like it:-)
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 5/31/2004
fedeeet hal wayh ana! ;-P she's so adorable mashalla! :) okay how to make this better? select the over exposed part on the right and darken it just a few degrees (-4 or -7).. select the pupils of the eyes and darken them (especially the one with the reflection..).. try selecting her face and adding sharpness, only once.. or, duplicate the picture, then go to filter -> others -> high pass and choose number 2.. then click on the high pass layer and choose overlay.. it increases the sharpness and gives semi 3D effect! :)
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 5/31/2004
That look is priceless :-)) I know that you could mask a part of an image and lighten it up (in this case the right side of her face, or the left side if you look at the screen). I'm sure somebody will offer to do it for you, I would if I could :-))
So where is the picture of her being all wet? :-))
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/31/2004
Great portrait and lovely expression! Regards.