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B&W flora II
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Image Title:  B&W flora II
Favorites: 5 
 By: arwa abdullah  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  arwa abdullah {Karma:34415}
Project #29 B&W Flower Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio my favorites
Black & White
Lens Nikon  60mm f/2.8D AF Micro
Uploaded 11/11/2004 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 1654 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 53 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Saudi Arabia   Saudi Arabia
About Frank honest comments and critiques welcomed! I really want to improve my black and white flora pics
Sorry for not leaving much comments today, hopefully I'll log on later tonight :)
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There are 53 Comments in 1 Pages
khalid al-saigh khalid al-saigh   {K:5491} 12/5/2006
Super great still life shot

love a color and tone here

wonderful light

it is amazing

thanks for sharing it

my regards


Paolo Grusovin   {K:3344} 6/7/2005
great tones!


Ash Kayavil   {K:210} 3/22/2005
Arwa Great work!!!
Shall give you a better caption?

"The drops of love, have no color"

if you liked it let me know


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 3/7/2005
Hello John :)
thanx for the comment and suggestion, I can see what your talking about, cropping the image closer would reduce the gloomy effect!
Thanx I appreciate it :)


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 3/5/2005
To be perfectly honest the is very nice Arwa!About the only change that I might make is to crop in from the sides until the image is square to focus more attention on the flower and less on the leaves around it.Of course this is only a suggestion and obviously this is fine just like it is,hence the best in project award!Congratulations on a fine photograph Arwa!!!
Excellent tones and outstanding angle of this shot!The l;ighting is right on and Your presentation is fist rate!Way to go!
Take care Arwa!My very best!..........John


Dino Lupani Dino Lupani   {K:15142} 12/15/2004
Non ho parole...č una meraviglia!


Elsje Fiederelsje Elsje Fiederelsje   {K:6320} 11/27/2004

lovely shot!!!
very beautiful!!!

greetz elly


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/20/2004
Thank you Pia for ur sweet comment and for adding this picture to your favorites! :)


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 11/20/2004
this is a real perfect b/w shot and excellent toning
my fav.

best regards,
Pia :)


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/16/2004
glad u liked the image!! thanx murat


Murat Harmanlikli Murat Harmanlikli   {K:7846} 11/16/2004
this goes to my favourites.. excellent...


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 11/16/2004
WOW.......... Arwa!

what a lovely shot of what Nature grants us!

my Compliments for BIP Award!!!

kind regards,


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/16/2004
thank you Elisa!
I really liked you swan picture! ;)


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/16/2004
Thank you khaled!!
The light is simply a diffused build in flash!! And how did I diffuse it! just placed a tissue on it! lol ;)
im really glad u liked it and still get a rush of happiness when my friends like the picture so thank you :)


NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/16/2004
Congratulations on the award Arwa!!! Fantastic tones/drops! IMO it would have been even better alone, without any leaves - anyway, a very VERY beautiful rose!!!


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 11/15/2004
Perfect achievement,great grips with exposure,By all means it is a splendid job,congrats for BIP,Saeed


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 11/13/2004
Congrats dear Arwa,
You really deserve it.
That's a real master piece. The lighting plays a main role in the image.
Excellent image Arwa, keep it up,


Abeer Al Jarsh   {K:10209} 11/12/2004
3aidich embarak arwa


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 11/12/2004
Many congrats on the BIP. The light and tones on this are superb :)


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/12/2004
Dear Arwa,

Yippiee ;-)

This is crispy as it can be. the details and the rain drops add a lot to the scene. the hinted are a bit unusual, but hey: BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. so no notpicking from my side.

hope you have/had a great day. whereever you are. the sun must shine in your heart.



Tommaso Razzano   {K:8073} 11/12/2004
wonderful work...
congrats for bip ... :-)
ciao !


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/12/2004
Thank you Biliana for believing in me


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/12/2004
Linn!!!! Where have u beeen! Busy with the kittens? Hope everything is ok!! Missed u A LOT
Thank you for your comment its nice to hear from u again!


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/12/2004
Hehehehehehhehe! Thank you Stephen!!! ((((((hugs))))


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 11/12/2004
Hi Arwa,
Glad to see the original, you started with a photo that was already nice to begin with!
Nice PS work! :)


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 11/12/2004
Congrats Arwa! I like the crisp tones and your frame compliments the image very well. I would have preferred to see it without the background "objects".
Nevertheless, a very good capture.
Well done.


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 11/12/2004
I saw the photo, I knew this was yours - I then saw the BIP award and I shouted "YESSSSS !!!" ;-)

Arwa, this really is superb, the composition alone is great but both the toning and lighting are absolutely awesome.

Very well deserved BIP my friend :-)

Best wishes,


B:)liana    {K:30945} 11/12/2004
And you see dear Arwa YOu got a BIP for this one. congratulations!
Kisses, Biliana


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/12/2004
Awwwwwwwwww loriii thank you!!! (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))
I did work a lot on it on PS
;) heres the original


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/12/2004
Thank you Jorge!
it really means a lot for me!!! A masterpiece coming from you shows that u truly like it! I really admire your work


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/12/2004
That?s a deep thought hugo!! I was thinking about the short life of a rose and how much joy it spreads and then simply dies when I edited the image
Its quite interesting when u look back at pictures taken few months or years ago and then tweak them to fit ur current mood
Oh teach me to see death and not to fear,"
But rather to take truce
How often have I seen you at a bier
And there look fresh and spruce;
You fragrant flowers then teach me that my breath
Like yours may sweeten and perfume my death"
Henry king
Thanx for the comment ;)


cessy karina   {K:14205} 11/12/2004
Arwa, You've done it again! So very very beautiful flowers with perfect light and bw tones.
The BIP is really well deserved!!!!


Mirko Saviane   {K:4588} 11/12/2004
Simple and nice! For my tastes would be better without bright areas around the rose (easy with PS)... and with a little crop in the bottom and in the left... About my pic: i use only a bit of PS (2 identical layers -> curves on the layer on the top for darkening the image -> a little work with the "eraser tool" (30%) for remove the dark layer on the top on the face). Ciao from italy ;)


Adam Powell   {K:160} 11/12/2004
WOw.. Arwa... this is amazing...Great Tone... congrats on the BIP... This is incredible...

Im glad to see this Tone on your pix.. it looks very good... 7+++++


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 11/12/2004
Wonderfull lighting and tones Arwa!! and congratulations on the BIP, well deserved! :)


Sara M   {K:12411} 11/12/2004
I like it very much.. There isn't that much things to improve.. I like it like that.. It's very simple and well detailed..


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 11/12/2004
When I saw this I said to myself, "oh my GOSH"...this is so beautiful!
OUTSTANDING quality here, it's PERFECT in my eyes!! PErfect clarity, composition, and on and on and on!!

Lori :)

to my favorites


Amanda Radovic   {K:3609} 11/12/2004
How beautiful this is Arwa - well done and congrats on BIP :-)


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/11/2004
congrats on the BIP.. looks like you got your wish and have improved :) very nice lighting.. great work


Jorge Garcia   {K:8733} 11/11/2004
Sorry but only write one more word:
Note 7 and favorite


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/11/2004
Oooooooooooooooh MY God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY
I just love UF, whos behind this so I could give him/her a big fat kiss!!!!! LOL
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Lol I feel as if I won the lottery!

Promise I'll reply to everyone as soon as the adrenaline rush calms down


arwa abdullah   {K:34415} 11/11/2004
Oooooooooooooooh MY God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I just love UF, whos behind this so I could give him/her a big fat kiss!!!!! LOL
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Lol I feel as if I won the lottery!

Promise I'll reply to everyone as soon as the adrenaline rush calms down


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 11/11/2004
I told you we loved your floral pictures! =)) Superb composition and very soft and nice tones!! Very good work my friend and congrats for the BIP!!! =))))


Patrick J


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 11/11/2004
Congratulations on the BIP award, Arwa ~ it's well deserved!!
Kind regards, Chris


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 11/11/2004
Hi Arwa, With the last B&W floral I mentioned the gloomy atmosphere, and now you picked the right flower to emphasise that... The lighting is superb, in the way that it not only adds contrast to the image, but only partially highlight the rose emphasising the gloomy atmosphere even more. This smells of decay and death. I guess that needs some explanation, so I'll let my mind run freely. The freshness of the flower and the drops of water are only temporary, just like our existence. What remains is the sorrow of our friends and the embodiment of what used to be. It's weird how that confronting atmosphere of gloominess always appeals to me, as I feel quite the opposite from that.




Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 11/11/2004
Congrats for BIP ;-)


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 11/11/2004
Frankly?, honestly?, very beautiful!
Perhaps just a little more light, but that's being picky!!
Great work, Arwa!
Kind regards, Chris


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 11/11/2004
Arwa, Great B&W flower


Abeer Al Jarsh   {K:10209} 11/11/2004
i like your shot but al leaves elly in the back et5areb eshwayeh .... i think


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 11/11/2004
frankly, this is an excellent capture! The detail is excellent and the b/w really acentuates the subject! the leaves around the flower can be a bit distrating though but otherwise an excellent comopsition!


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 11/11/2004
A very nice result in B&W although it is more typical in colors! I love the water drops witch is marinating the warm work of B&W. Cheers Arwa.


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 11/11/2004
Excellent composition Arwa!! Beautiful flower, great work with ligth/shadows!
Best regards!


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 11/11/2004
The flower itself is very very beautiful, looks fresh, you captured the details very well. The tone is great too. the only thing is the editing, I think some cleaning is still needed, especially to the leaves, you can remove it either by the cloning tool or using the mask.




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