Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
2/14/2006 2:11:49 AM
C'était exactement de ce côté la que je parlais, vers la montagne ou l'on peut voir le reste du champ de citrouilles. La lumière et les couleurs(J'aime bien la casquette) sont superbes.Je sais pas pourquoi mais le 'mood' de cette photo me fait penser à Jean Leloup.
Photo By: David Mongeau-Petitpas
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
2/1/2006 7:56:07 PM
Hey, i recognize that place, its on the 116!!! It was so beautiful in fall with the colored mountain in the back, even though we don't see it, i love what you did with it. Marie
Photo By: David Mongeau-Petitpas
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
1/31/2006 9:48:15 PM
Great image, i love it! Marie
Photo By: D M
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
6/17/2005 3:56:59 AM
wow. Son regard et ses yeux me donnent des frissons. Excellent.
Photo By: Bruno Espadana
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
6/17/2005 3:51:06 AM
Hey Dave. Hope you had a nice trip in Montreal. Isn't beatiful? I love the architecture and all the old houses, just like this one. Hope you got to visit the plateau mont-Royal, where we can see a very unique architectural style.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
3/28/2005 10:29:25 PM
Photo By: William Wilson
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
3/17/2005 11:09:53 PM
Very nice black and white photograph! regards, Marie
Photo By: vito lentini
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
3/15/2005 2:50:31 AM
Excellent photograph,there's so many things to look at, we even see sylvain eating,lol! The reflection adds a new dimension to the picture. i love it!!
Photo By: Alexandra O'Meara
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/25/2004 12:06:49 AM
i really like this one, it means a lot Great shot Marie
Photo By: Ethan Lewis
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/19/2004 1:49:23 PM
Very nice perspective and the colors are great! I went there recently and find its such a fine little place and the architecture is really nice. No wonder why they call it La Venise du Nord. Regards, Marie
Photo By: Todd Miller
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/18/2004 9:04:29 PM
Very lovely portrait Alison! and a nice model too. Good job! Marie
Photo By: Alison DuFlon
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/18/2004 9:02:08 PM
Well done Alison, very interesting picture and the color exageration makes it real nice Regards Marie
Photo By: Alison DuFlon
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/16/2004 7:44:56 PM
Awesome picture Dave!I like the mood of this photograph and all the bright colors Marie
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/15/2004 7:46:31 PM
J'aime bien celle-ci Alex. Les couleurs ont très bien sorti et le sol nuancé donne de beaux effets. C'est une idée très originale! Marie
Photo By: Alexandra O'Meara
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/15/2004 7:38:18 PM
i like Mr.M's expression, very good composition Excellent job Marie
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/7/2004 1:34:00 PM
I took it from the top of the Samaritaine building, there's a terasse up there
Photo By: Marie-Andrée Brodeur
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/7/2004 1:23:04 AM
Wow! this is such a cool room, and picture, that's for sure! Great job Aris Marie
Photo By: Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/6/2004 5:51:04 PM
très belle photo Thomas. On peut voir toutes les rides très clairement et la photo est quelque peu mélanolique et triste, excellent portrait! Marie
Photo By: Thomas Barnes
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/5/2004 1:09:29 PM
Très bien pris Dave! La lumière venant du portrait de la femme en arrière ajoute du caractère à cette photo, très belle superposition! Amicalement, Marie
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/5/2004 3:51:22 AM
Très belle photo de danse, c'est un art qui se combine très bien avec la photographie, tu l'a bien utilisé et la lumière et les textures sont super! Bravo! Marie
Photo By: frédéric SALVERT
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/5/2004 2:58:47 AM
Hey! If it isn't a Belgian Tervuren! He have friends who have one and he is so cute and loveable, just like yours! Great shot Monique! Marie
Photo By: Monique Ferris
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/3/2004 2:16:52 AM
Your Tokanui Psychiatric Hospital serie is fascinating.The mood is excellent, the colors also. I especially like this one for the walls and corners. They are all great shots Marie-Andrée
Photo By: Mark Hamilton
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/3/2004 1:47:48 AM
Quelle belle photo de la gare du Nord! Tout y est parfait!Les couleurs, le ciel, l'angle, tout! Merci d'avoir partagé cette belle image! Marie-Andrée
Photo By: éléanor le gresley
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 8:18:46 PM
Great portrait Mark, the colors came out so crisp and sharp.I'd love to visit these countries , especially, if like you said, people are happy to pose for you Ive looked at your portfolio and find your a very good photograph and you're pictures come from everywhere round the globe How many countries did you visit? Marie
Photo By: Mark Julian
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 8:09:57 PM
Lovely picture Alison, great capture and an excellent shot!I'd like to see this every morning Marie
Photo By: Alison DuFlon
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 2:05:10 AM
Wow! Les couleurs sont tellement belles! J'adore cette photo, le titre convient bien! on est toujour nostalgique quand on quitte Paris
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 1:20:19 AM
C'est réellement une très belle photo! La brume y ajoute un charme exquis. On dirait que les arbres sont des spectres! Le paysage est magnifique. Bravo! Marie-Andrée
Photo By: Tom Chang
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 1:14:32 AM
Great shot Dave.I love to see all the little details on a leaf, the color is great and the backround makes it even nicer .I also like the shadow on the other leaf. Good work Marie-Andrée
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 12:50:57 AM
This is a very nice portrait of Aliki!Black and white makes it even nicer, its a very good choice I've always found you took excellent portraits. Regards, Marie-Andrée
Photo By: Alan Mead
Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
9/30/2004 8:20:07 PM
WOW! very nice picture, I like the 'impressionist' effect you made, and the shadow fits perfectly to attenuate the bright colors Very original Marie
Photo By: Alison DuFlon