ajeet joshi
{K:154} 10/8/2004
helo alison thats a good work very nice I would suggest you to change the angle of that take and take it in fog or smoke so that the rays following on ground will be marked separatly and that will give a fantasy effect to the frame
{K:42404} 10/4/2004
hola Carola: no puedo creer que no haya visto esta hermosa foto antes, es simplemente bella, la composicion y los rayos solares entre las hojas son increibles. felicitaciones
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 10/4/2004
Excellent capture Alison ,very nice composition,superb backlit,it seems like magic Best regards
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 10/3/2004
To actually stop driving to take this shows true dedication and the effort was well worth it. One of those magical scenes that can be so difficult to capture. But here, there is simply no way this can be improved.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/2/2004
Great image, Alison, I like the sun steaming through the trees in the mist. Dave.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 10/2/2004
Thank you for the comment Shady and the view of what you saw for the picture, it is always interesting to see others point of view. To me yours has a completely different look from mine nice also. Thanks for sharing. Alison
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 10/2/2004
Fantastic composition!
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/2/2004
Great isn't just wonderful the way the sun coming through trees can be so magical Margaret
Marie-Andrée Brodeur
{K:227} 10/2/2004
Lovely picture Alison, great capture and an excellent shot!I'd like to see this every morning Marie
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 10/2/2004
Beautiful capture of the light rays Alison! Thanks for sharing! My best..........JOHN
{K:5996} 10/2/2004
Dirk Illing
{K:1247} 10/2/2004
Love those streams of light - difficult to capture. You've framed the photo nicely with the branches. The flower bed bottom right has been cropped slightly, would have been good to have included the whole of it. Dirk
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/2/2004
Well, Alison your shot is sooooo nice ,I like it so much ,but I've anther point of view about it ,so I've done some editing on it to be more focus on target (the light in the middle) ,also I felt that it needs to be more red &yellow ,anyway it's a personal point of view ,your original is so great, thanks v much and hope you'll accept my apology if you don't like it this way.

Walter Scarella
{K:19671} 10/2/2004
Great backlight Alison ! Excellent composition , I like the beautiful effect of the sun rays betwen the trees! Congrats Regards....Walter
{K:487} 10/2/2004
Great shot alison congrats
baldacci baldacci
{K:412} 10/2/2004
Good shot! Regards
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 10/2/2004
What a nice scenery you see on your way back home Alison. You got it right putting us in the mood. The sunrays comming between the leaves with the shadded side of the trees towards us is beautiful, great shot Alison. My regards, Khaled.
xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx
{K:10405} 10/2/2004
very magic mood...lovely place..and perfect shot
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 10/2/2004
Mystery the be morning scenery. well expression