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La dernière Seine
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Image Title:  La dernière Seine
Favorites: 0 
 By: Christian Barrette  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Christian Barrette {Karma:21125}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Cityscape
Film Format
Portfolio Paris04
Lens Nikon  18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED AF-S DX
Uploaded 10/2/2004 Film / Memory Type ISO 200
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 493 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 8 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Paris
State -  75
Country - France   France
About The day before my return. The Seine, with Paris banks outline and Notre Dame at a distance.
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
NN  NN     {K:26787} 10/12/2004
Great mood - great silhouette, fantastic rays of light!


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 10/3/2004
Hi Hugo.
I just agree with your suggestion. Cropping a bit more tightly makes for a better composition. At the start of this image is the feeling, the very strong feeling I had of vastness, which is not usual in a crowded city. All of a sudden, the open sky, the large river, the huge range of colours, just filled me, so I resorted to the largest wideangle view possible. I found it interesting that a landmark such as Notre Dame would be left to an almost undistinguable silhouette.
But I do agree that in your version, nothing of that is lost and that the overall feeling is preserved. Thank you.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 10/2/2004
wonderful colors and moment!!!


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 10/2/2004
Preciosa vista desde el lecho del Sena! Es una visión privilegiada que yo no supe aprovechar... me mareé! jajajaja
Preciosos colores, bonito cielo y estupenda composición. Saludos.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 10/2/2004
Hi Christian, There are a couple of very strong elements in this shot. First, the almost surreal light and tones in the sky, secondly, the silhouettes of the banks of la Seine and the Outline of the Notre Dame Third, the low camera position. The combination of the tree create a hamonious and very well balanced image, with a strong atmosphere.

I do believe the peripheral space occupies more of the image than necessary to convey the atmosphere. Although the wideness of the river can also be perceived as and element, a slight crop on top of the image and closing in a bit more on the Notre Dame would emit the same look and feel of the image.

I attached an alterenative composition, where I did just that: zooming in on the cathedral and cropping a bit off the top. The main reason is that I started to wonder about the break in the clouds on the left, which is nice, but doesn't add much to the composition. From there on, I noticed the purplish area in the cloud on top of the image, occupying a considerable area of the image, but with the same little effect on the image. Hope this makes sense. As always, I'm thinking out loud, trying to explain what I would've done differently, but not necessarily exploring the weak points, as there aren't any in this shot. It's only another solution to the same theme, the one as sound as the other.




G G G G   {K:61359} 10/2/2004
Excellent titre pour une tres belle image.. je vois en effet la choix de faire ressortir uniquement les contours dont vous me parliez sur la photo de la cathédrale... les couleurs sont absolument superbes!! Il faut rester à Paris.. ;). A bientot. Fabrice


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 10/2/2004
This photograph which is heaven and earth creation light. Well capture.

My photograph a serial photograph. The situation is continued.


Marie-Andrée Brodeur   {K:227} 10/2/2004
Wow! Les couleurs sont tellement belles! J'adore cette photo, le titre convient bien! on est toujour nostalgique quand on quitte Paris




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