Critique By:
Marie-Andrée Brodeur (K:227)
10/2/2004 2:05:10 AM
Wow! Les couleurs sont tellement belles! J'adore cette photo, le titre convient bien! on est toujour nostalgique quand on quitte Paris
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
10/1/2004 8:16:35 PM
Gracias por tus comentarios tan calurosos. Lo que me importa es que te haya tocado.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Ashok Chaudhary (K:1728)
10/1/2004 6:08:49 AM
Fiery autumn colors well taken - EC well deserved.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Franz Thoma (K:3365)
9/27/2004 9:54:55 PM
Très joli, cher Christian! Et les trois symbols semblent être très légers et élégants en même temps! Amitiés Frnz
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
9/27/2004 1:17:44 AM
Exactly Sai. With a wide angle, from that same spot, on can see the mountain ridge in NH.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Maria José Barres (K:11276)
9/26/2004 1:49:29 PM
Maravillosa la espuma y el vapor del agua. Quedaron muy bien reflejados dando una atmosfera de ensoñación. Estupendo trabajo Christian. Saludos.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Guy Dube (K:6932)
9/26/2004 1:27:40 AM
Très belle photo Christian, avec le fond noir qui donne beaucoup de relief à la fleur, très beau jeu de lumière. Amitiés Guy
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Guy Dube (K:6932)
9/26/2004 1:25:40 AM
Très belle photo, avec la petite madame qui s'en va au marché, très beaux reflets de lumière, très réussi! Amitiés Guy
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Guy Dube (K:6932)
9/26/2004 1:24:14 AM
C'est la plus belle! Pas de commentaire, avec l'église dans la brume qui lève tranquillement, le beau paysage autour, tout est reposant, et les rayons du soleil qui éclairent le bas de l'image, super. Faut être là au bon moment car çà change à chaque instant. Amitiés Guy
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Guy Dube (K:6932)
9/26/2004 1:21:25 AM
Très beau Christian, très reposant. Très belle couleur verte, beaucoup de perspective. Amitiés Guy
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Guy Dube (K:6932)
9/26/2004 1:19:39 AM
Très beau Christian, très bien prise, la lumière est parfaite, pas trop foncé. Très beau vert. Avec le ruisseau çà donne de la vie à l'image. Amitiés Guy
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Don Loseke (K:32503)
9/25/2004 9:59:21 PM
The glow is on and working very well. It works so well with this picture. Love the patches of blue. Don.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Margaret Sturgess (K:49403)
9/25/2004 5:52:27 PM
What a lovely place to have a brief rest. Great rich variety of greens and textures, you can almost hear the water Margaret
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
9/25/2004 12:59:48 PM
Ha, Hugo. Reading your comments is always stimulating. Now that you mention ... cliché. It's hard for me by now to know what cliché is. To me, it sounds like "yesterday". I'm 56 and I have quite a lot of yesterdays I have been through. I can hardly imagine a photograph that I can bear to look at that is not a cliché. Rudely stated, I'd say "We've seen it all". Blur, soft, hard contrast, distorted wide angle shots, compressed fields, false colours, flat calendar shots, me-myself-and-I series, the dire, human misery in a wink, social clashes. Before i close the book or shot the camera, by now what speaks to me is not style but the meaning -what does it say -, and the art, or craft - is it well done. Meaning and devoted time. Ok, so I threw the ball back. I think you understand my call for dialectics...
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
9/25/2004 12:40:47 PM
Precisamente Maria, el curso del tiempo me asombra en cada paso.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
9/25/2004 11:55:15 AM
Well ... what can I say? CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love this powerful scene!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Dave Stacey (K:150877)
9/25/2004 4:43:02 AM
And a very nice effect it is, Christian! Good effort! Dave.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Paul's Photos (K:35235)
9/25/2004 4:41:57 AM
nice capture.. love waterfalls.. not matter how large or small.. good work
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Kim kyungsang (K:14135)
9/25/2004 3:44:40 AM
nice control long time exposure! beautiful image!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Patty Morena (K:16598)
9/24/2004 6:07:12 AM
Great "blurry image" whith wonderful colors .This is an original composition. (Great portfolio too!) Congrats
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Patty Morena (K:16598)
9/24/2004 6:05:28 AM
Christian i can only say,its EXECELLENT!! I like the colours and the composition of this picture. Congrats
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Maja Gligoric (K:13528)
9/24/2004 2:03:23 AM
Classic and fantastic. I like this image,but I prefer total B&W. Regards
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Shahram Malek (K:-146)
9/23/2004 9:59:13 PM
Awsome shot....
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Shahram Malek (K:-146)
9/23/2004 9:55:01 PM
Very nice picture.... great colors. So are you happy with the Nikon D70? I'm trying to pick between the Canon 10D and the Nikon D70? Any advice for me?
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
. . (K:2743)
9/23/2004 6:03:10 PM
and that is what the phrase 'magical light' means.. so this was just 10km west of NH into the canadian territory? nice
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
. . (K:2743)
9/23/2004 5:59:03 PM
such vibrant colors... the addition of the fence works well to complete the composition
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
9/23/2004 4:48:47 PM
Hi Christian, I was about tho comment about the halo before reading your "about". I think it adds something to this shot, casting a dreamy and surrealistic atmosphere over what would have been a beautiful, but otherwise clichéd image. Definately not meant negatively, but there are more of these kinds of shots, and after a while they are not that challenging or special any more, if you see what I mean. The halo effect, although very subtle, removes exaclty that feeling. Very good job!
There are obvously other solutions to the composition, but I don't think there's anything to remark on the one you used. It's balanced and pleasing. Good shot!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Maria José Barres (K:11276)
9/23/2004 3:52:57 PM
Precioso salto de agua! Me encanta la composición (es muy dinámica), la sensación de movimiento en el agua y el rico y fragante (porque hasta aquí llega su aroma) verde. Ese "blurry" lo veo aplicado tan magistralmente que no podría distinguirlo de un efecto natural. Saludos.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Don Loseke (K:32503)
9/22/2004 8:27:19 PM
You can almost hear the silence from this picture and area. Just the sounds of the water. Well composed and exposed. Very nicely done. Don.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
9/22/2004 6:02:01 PM
The water looks great! A well balanced composition with gorgeous green ...
Photo By: Christian Barrette