Franz Thoma
{K:3365} 9/27/2004
Très joli, cher Christian! Et les trois symbols semblent être très légers et élégants en même temps! Amitiés Frnz
Sudhir K. Reddy
{K:7583} 9/21/2004
Perspective extraordinaire, prof.de ch. excellente, composition superbe...
Michelle Gerdes
{K:524} 9/10/2004
Fun thing, I was there on Aug 8th and and saw all most the same shot! The tower I am told is always hazy. Better version in my portfolio.

Sam Andre
{K:12484} 8/31/2004
Good idea to put them together and technically very good too, although the tower looks a bit out of place. It needed abit more sharpness/contrast.
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 8/28/2004
Three eras, one symbol - quite amusing :-) I can see the slight lack of focus on the rightmost element, and it acts as something of a visual riddle, the reason being that with the given composition, the side elements appear to be at roughly the same distance from the camera (no haze effect as with the Eifel tower). Nice work.
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 8/27/2004
Thanks again Hugo. It was a very hot and humid day in mid-afetrnoon. The air was almost greyish at a distance, as the original shows. I did have to lighten and boost the colours. I selectively retouched the blue curve. The rightmost element is a tad out of focus as a matter of fact. F 8 was not enough to cover that distance, but I wanted to have a very fast speed as this was handlheld and I was shacking a bit from heat exhaustion. I have another one similar but only with the obelisk and the tower. Both are in focus, but I liked this one better for it's triadic composition.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 8/27/2004
Christian this is very impressive. So well done. I really think this is great. Don.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/27/2004
Hi Christian, Very creative shot, and a well balanced composition. The distance cue creates a very strong sence of depth between the three landmarks, but does also make the photo appear a bit soft (not soft focus, though, just in the saturation and tones). I played around a bit in PS, but it clearly shows that distance cue is essential to the shot. "reviving" the colours only flattens the photo, so it's not an option.
The slight overlap between the eifel tower and the obilisk is a bit distracting.
Nonetheless a very strong image, showing the grandeur of Paris by only capturing three elements. Very strong image.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 8/27/2004
lovely spotted, I like it
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/27/2004
wonderful .. you have created a great composition!!! perfect title.. ciao roby
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 8/27/2004
Very original shot. I like i. Good idea! Bye.
{K:26787} 8/27/2004
Very interesting & elegant work!
cessy karina
{K:14205} 8/27/2004
wow well seen, very well composed, excellent !
Hing Wong
{K:2545} 8/27/2004
wonderful composition
wang yuan
{K:8} 8/27/2004
exceptional composition and view, great!
Peter Carucci
{K:1672} 8/27/2004
Excellent composition. A very interesting photo presentation of architectural symbols of different eras