Photographer: Ian McIntosh (Karma=42997)
About: Photography is hard work. I'm here to goof off.
Portfolio: drive by shooting
Portfolio Description: A childish game. Photos taken from a moving car, because you never know when the future of the universe depends on your ability to take that one photo under such conditions. Actually my goal is to get an onject and photograph it from different sides at once, because I read cubists sometimes tried to paint that way, and because I have seen the art of stroke victims who can do that naturally. Also it gives me a break from concerns about structural composition, which always is a miraculous and beautiful process to read about, but does not come naturally to me. Anyway such are my goals, to be Picasso, save the universe if required, and be as cool asthe art of a stroke victim... but other things come out.
There are 56 images in 2 Pages
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