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Photographer: Paul Sewell  (Karma=59)

About: Originally from London, England. I now live and work in San Diego, California as a graphic designer. Like a great deal of photographers, I discovered my love for photography at an early age when I was given my first camera by my father. After leaving school I got a job as a photographic assistant working for Fashion Photographer Steve Cartwright in London. I left the studio in 1988 after being given a government grant for 1 year to develop my photographic skills. Although I take most of my photographs using traditional 35mm film, I then scan my work into a computer and print them using archival quality paper and inks. A portfolio of my work is located at, where I also offer prints for sale. My e-mail address is

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There are 1 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Venice Beach 70

Venice Beach 70
Paul Sewell
Comments 0
Views 305
Rating Pending / 0 
Nikon  D100



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