Navid Shahrouzi
{K:87} 5/5/2006
Dear babak, your works are ingenious..all of them. I became a great admirer of you. Good luck with your project.
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/8/2005
Before of this year , I was in Doe in Hormozgan province but now I am out of Doe and working for my self . I am working very hard to complete my list of Birds of Iran for my book ( A photographic guide to Birds of Iran ) and some of time , I am a birding guide for some Bird watching tours around of Iran.Thanks for your comment With best wishes Babak
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 11/8/2005
very beautiful bunting and your pic is so nice and perfect. what's your job babak?do you work with DOE or not ?
Kenneth Roine
{K:3538} 11/7/2005
Seyed, A very nice image, well done. Ken
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/6/2005
Dear Marcus I have seen your web site and also your photo galerry in this site .you are a very professional wildlife photographer that i need learn many thing of you . thanks for your kind comment. Babak
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 11/5/2005
Wow so many wonderful shots of so many beautiful birds, I think you have a wonderful portfolio here, one of the best! Excellent work!
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Dear Kiarang Thanks for your kind comment . With best wish Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Dear Chelsea Thanks for your comment, Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Dear Kunal Thanks for your comment. Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Dear Steve Many thanks for your helps and your kind comment . I will try to sind my next photo with Adob SRGB. With best wish Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Dear Soroosh Thanks for your comment. Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Thanks Behzad jan for your comment . With best wish Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 11/5/2005
Dear Ange Thanks for your comment. Babak
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 11/4/2005
Babak! you are so clever in photography. i know how it's difficult to capture these moments of birds life. the compress perspective of your sigma 50-500mm works very well to emphasize this brilliant bird in the gray ambiance. very good catching!
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 11/4/2005
Lovely shot, nice clean background, nice that you've caught it singing, with the beak open. I've been browsing your portfolio, interesting to see birds and wildlife from your part of the world. Best of luck with your book project!
Kunal Mehta
{K:2496} 11/4/2005
Very nice image. Sharpness and DOF is great.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 11/4/2005
Babak, you continue to post excellent images of birds I would enjoy seeing and photographing. I know that you must have a lot of patience and a good knowledge of the behavior of the birds you are photographing.
I'd have to agree somewhat with Soroosh Ghaffarian, the images you have posted are somewhat muted, at least as viewed on my screen. I have similar problems with images I upload to usefilm. Unless I intentionally make them darker with levels, and increase color with curves, the image will appear light when I upload it to usefilm. One problem is that I work in Adobe RGB color space, but the web uses SRGB. So, I always convert images I want to upload to SRGB first, and then see what it looks like. I still find I need to make the image darker than what I normally would to upload it to Usefilm.
Soroosh Ghaffarian
{K:515} 11/4/2005
dorood . is a good shot . i think this image need autolevel & auto color . movaffagh bashid.

Behzad Ghaffarian
{K:182} 11/4/2005
salam congratulation, this is very nice. i like this. best regard.
Ange Brett
{K:1642} 11/4/2005
Nice shot, you could almost say a rose between thorns Ange